28 - Good Taste in Music

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Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift

"How come you talk silly?" Charlie asks, swinging her legs from the counter

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"How come you talk silly?" Charlie asks, swinging her legs from the counter.

"Maybe it's you that talks silly." I say, bopping her nose.

"No! You talk silly!" She says, bopping my nose back.

I reach over with both hands, tickling her sides. She laughs, throwing her head back. "Brinley!" She yells through laughter. "Stop it!" I continue to tickle her until Christian appears in the doorway, catching my attention.

His light brown hair was damp, making it slightly darker. He had on a navy blue v-neck with a pair of tan joggers, that I just knew made his ass look good.

He leans against the doorframe, grinning over at us. Charlie eye's follow in my direction. "Hi Daddy! We're making supper!" She says as he pushes off the wall, walking over towards us.

"Oh yeah? What're you making?" He asks and I grin.

"Dinosaur chicken nuggets." I say and he laughs.

"Are those only for Charlie?" He asks, coming around the corner of the island.

"Nope." I say.

He picks Charlie up off the counter, and she leans in a kisses him. In full, toddler kissing glory.

He takes a step towards me, leaning down his lips meet mine. "Hey." I say when he pulls away.

"Hi." He says, kissing me on the cheek. "What'd you guys do?"

"Let's see, we played Chutes & Ladders, we colored-"

"We had a tea party!" Charlie interrupts.

"That we did." I say, my eyes slightly widening at the memory of that mess. "And then we came down here to make food."

"Well, what do you say to a little ice cream trip after dinner?" Christian asks, poking Charlie's side.

"Yay!" Charlie yells, a giant grin on her face.

The timer on my phone goes off as Christian sets Charlie down. "I'll get it." He says, opening a drawer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He says as Charlie grabs my hand, leading me towards the table.

"What do you want to drink Sis?" Christian asks, setting the pan on the stove.

"Root Beer!"

"Not right now, it's getting late." He says and she pouts.

"Water or juice?" He asks, opening the fridge.

"Juice!" She says.

"What kind?"

"Apple." She says, turning to look at me. "Do you want some apple juice?"

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