33 - Crazy

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"Alright, you ready?" I ask and Charlie nods

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"Alright, you ready?" I ask and Charlie nods. "Okay."

I squat down behind her, helping her hold the small, youth compound bow.

"Okay, which one are you aiming at?" I ask, referring to the field point target with five different little targets on it.

"The middle one!" She says excitedly.

"Okay, hold onto to the grip." I say, placing my hand over hers on the bow grip. "Put your fingers where I showed you on the string." I say as she does so. I place my fingers over hers as I bring the bow up and help her pull the string back. "Keep your elbow up." I say, slightly raising her elbow."

"Keep your feet planted." I bring our hands against her face, the fletching of the arrow brushing against her mouth. "Take a deep breath."

She sucks in a breath, "When I say too, let the deep breath out, and pull your fingers away from the string." She nods, holding in her breath.

"Go." I whisper, pulling her fingers back with mine.

The string of the bow pops forward as the arrow disappears in front of us, getting stuck in the target.

She pulls the bow down, letting it graze the grass as she turns to look at me. A huge, excited grin on her face. "I did it!" She says. "Did you guys see that?" She asks, looking back at everyone.

"I'm proud of you Sis." Christian says, taking a sip of his beer.

"You gotta go see where it landed." Emery says, walking away.

"Come on." I say, taking her hand in mine as we walk over to the target. "She nailed it in the center." I say, looking back at my dad with a grin.

"She's got a good teacher." He says, dragging one of the patio chairs over.

"Alright, I think it's time for a little sisterly competition." Emery says, walking back over with two bows in her hand.

"Can I pull it out?" Charlie asks, looking up at me.

"You can try." I say.

She grabs onto the bow with one hand and pulls." It doesn't budge so she tries with both hands. "I can't get it." She starts to cry.

"Hey, it's okay." I squat down, wiping her tears. "That just means you got a really good shot."


"Yeah. I mean, you got it in the center on your first try. I couldn't even do that." I say and she smiles. "Here, try it again. I'll help you."

She nods, placing both hands back on the shaft of the arrow. I place my hand over hers as I start to pull. It takes a second of pulling before it comes out.

"We did it!" She exclaims, holding the arrow up.

"We did!" I say, high-fiving her.

She hands me the arrow before taking off towards Christian. I walk back over as Emery hands me one of my bows. "We're shooting the deer target." She nods her head to the deer that are a bit of a ways down the yard.

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