BONUS CHAPTER - Crisp October Mornings

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"I don't wanna wake her

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"I don't wanna wake her. I mean, look at how cute they look."

I look over at Charlie asleep with Max on the couch. They were in the same position they'd been in for over an hour.

"You're not going to get to enjoy your crisp October morning." I sing, glancing back down at my phone screen.

"There are plenty of those. They won't be this little forever babe."

"Yes they will.", I declare, "They're never growing up."

Brinley giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck from behind. "Could you imagine if they didn't. We'd have a newborn forever.. And then that sassy little thing."

I snort at the comment, "It'd be interesting, that's for sure."

I feel Brinley's lips against my cheek before her soft cheek replaces them. Her hand comes up and she combs her fingers through my hair, "Are you happy, baby?", her voice was quiet and soft.

A smile appears on my face as I look over and down at our sleeping children, "The happiest."


My hand comes up to cup Brinley's forearm, "We should go though, it's nice outside."

"You call forty degrees nice? Such a man."

"Hockey player man, actually." I correct and she softly chuckles.

Brinley removes her arms, "You gonna shave your face or what?"

I stand up, stretching my arms above my head, "No shave November is coming up in a couple of days. I'm starting early."

Brinley walks into the kitchen, throwing, "So I guess you won't mind if I participate, and not shave my legs for a month then?", over her shoulder.

I squat down in front of the couch, where the kids are sleeping, "Doesn't matter to me. I didn't marry you for your smooth legs."

"How insulting to my lotion."

I chuckle, "I'm sure it's real cut up about it."

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind Charlie's ear and she stirs before burying her face into the couch cushion. "I know you're awake you little stinker."

A muffled giggle escapes her and she turns her face the other way, "Is it park time?"

"It is." I say and she immediately sits up with a smile on her face. "Go get ready with Mommy.", I nod towards the stairs in the entryway.

I gently scoop up Max in my arms and head upstairs to get him changed and ready.

We go on morning walks almost everyday. Brinley usually doesn't go when I'm on the road, and Charlie only gets to come on weekends now.

That's right. My little girl started Kindergarten this year.

She's attending a private school, uniform and all. It's not Catholic or Christian, just fancy. Think of it like Chilton but for K-12 instead of just high school. We'd discussed a Christian school but we didn't really like any of the schools around St. Paul. We picked a school that we both felt was a good fit for Charlie and that we were comfortable with.

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