4 - Girl Time

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Trigger Warning: mention of miscarriage

Irreplaceable - Beyoncé

"Ahhhhh!" Nora yelled as she ran down her driveway before jumping into my arms

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"Ahhhhh!" Nora yelled as she ran down her driveway before jumping into my arms. "I missed you!"

"I missed you!" I say, lightly stumbling back.

I place her back on the ground, "Okay, give me the tea. I've been waiting all day!" She says, pinching my side.

"You know the three year old with Acute Leukemia I was telling you about?"

"Yeah, how'd that go?"

"You'll never guess who her dad is!" I say as we walking inside her house.


"Christian Brooks!" I say and her mouth gapes open.

"Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She exclaims, shoving my shoulder.

"What is it?" Logan, Nora's husband, asks.

"Brin's newest patient is Christian Brooks' daughter." Nora says, smiling cheekily. "Is he as hot in person as he is on TV?"

"Excuse me? I'm standing right here." Logan says and Nora shrugs.

"A girl can dream." She sighs, leaning against the dark grey, marble top counter.

"Have you confronted Ethan yet?" Logan asks.

I let out a deep breath, "No. I've barely seen him. He did show up at the hospital the other day and tried to accuse me of flirting with Christian." I say and their eyes widen.

"That motherfucker." Logan says, his jaw partly clenched.

"I'm having dinner with him tomorrow so, I'll do it then. Be on standby for a call sometime around 7 or 8." I say, sarcastically chuckling.

"Honey, we're gonna be outside in the parking lot waiting. You're not going alone." Nora says, wrapping her arm around Logan's lower back.

"Yeah, we'll just drive you there." He adds.

I go to argue but they both stop me, and I knew this was an end of discussion topic.

"Okay but, back to Christian Brooks." Logan says, wiggling his light brown eyebrows.

"What about him?"

"I'm calling it now, somethings gonna happen." Nora says as Logan nods his head.

"No. First of all, star hockey player. Second, wrong team. Third, lives in another city. Fourth, just, no." I say, shaking my head. "Although, you should've seen the look on his face when Charlie, his daughter, told him I should be his girlfriend. It was priceless." I chuckle, thinking back to the memory.

"You like him already!" Nora accuses. Also, Minneapolis is only like 20 minutes away.

"I do not! I barely spent anytime with him.... Alone."

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