Epilogue I

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1 year later

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1 year later...

"Oh fuck.", Christian says as I turn around, "Wrong room."

"Christian, uncover your eyes. You already saw me.", I chuckle, walking to stand in front of him.

"Unh uhh. I only somewhat saw the train."

I purse my lips together in amusement, "You saw it enough to know that there is a train."

"It's not like I had to look that hard. It's pretty obvious when there's a train."

"Choo-choo!", I motion my hand as if I'm pulling down a train horn.

Christian chuckles, "Good Lord woman.", I finally pull his hand away and he looks up at the ceiling.

"Christian..", I groan, grabbing ahold of the sides of his face, "Look at me."

I tilt his head down and he closes his eyes with a grin on his face, "If you don't open your damn eyes. You don't get to see what's on underneath tonight."

Christian's eyes immediately snap open and a smug grin appears on my face.

"She has you wrapped around her finger.", Emery mumbles as she walks out of the room, leaving the two of us alone.

Christian pulls my hands off of his face and takes a step back. His eyes trail all the way down as a cute little grin appears on his face.

He lets go of one of my hands and lifts my other one up over our heads and slowly spins me around as I giggle.


I smile up at my fiancé, "You like it?"

"Like it? Baby, I fucking love it!", Christian wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him.

I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my chin on his shoulder, "Yeah?"

"You're beautiful."

I slightly pull away, keeping my hands on Christian's biceps, "You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller."

Christian chuckles at my quoting of Frozen and places a kiss on my lips before hugging me again.

"I love you." He whispers and I smile, placing a kiss on his neck.

"I love you too."

Christian pulls away, "Alright, I gotta go. I'll get in trouble but, I'll see you out there.", he begins to walk backwards, pointing his finger at me, "Let's win this thing baby."

"You do realize this is our wedding, not a game, right?", I place my hands on my hips.

"I do."

"You're supposed to say that later. Not now.", I bite back my smile.

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