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2 years later

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2 years later...

"A forever family!", our Social Worker, Katie, exclaims as she hands us the documents, "Congratulations!"

I turn to Christian, grins on both of our faces, "She's ours?"

"She's ours!" Christian wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground in a warm hug. I squeal, hugging his neck tightly.

I'm set back down on my feet as I pull away, cupping Christian's cheeks with my hands. "She's ours." I repeat.

"All ours." He says before leaning down and crashing his lips onto mine.

We pull away at the same time and I turn on my heel towards my mother. "Gimme.", I make a grabbing motion with my hands as I lean over the wooden rail in the small courtroom. "Hi baby!" I exclaim in a baby voice. I take ahold of our three month old daughter, cradling her in my arms as she sleeps peacefully.

"Sweet lil' thang." I hear my mom say and I chuckle.

I feel a swipe against my cheek and I look up to see Christian wiping tears I hadn't even realized were there.

"Quit crying. You're gonna make me cry." He mumbles, taking ahold of Max.

"Mama!" He squeals reaching for me. I lean up on my toes, placing a kiss on Max's cheek.

Reaching up, I pinch his cheek, "Hey my little Cuddle Bug.", Max giggles, burying his face in Christian's shoulder.

He turns his head to look up at Christian, "Sissy?"

"I don't know where Sissy is.", Christian turns his head to look among our family, "There she is.", he points to Charlie who is currently dancing with Emery and my dad.

Max is one of the sweetest two year olds I've ever met. He doesn't cry much, or throw many tantrums. He wants to snuggle all the time, he wants to know where we are at all times- I think it's a sense of security- and he's clingy with all of us. Not that I'm complaining. Who doesn't love little baby snuggles... Even if he isn't a baby anymore. He still smells like one.

Charlie has grown a lot too in the past two years. She just turned seven about a month ago. Of course she's all "I can do it myself now", but what seven year old isn't. She actually just had a checkup to make sure everything is all clear- it's something we do with all cancer patients, especially kids. Luckily, everything is still clear.

Then, there's the newest member of the Brooks family: Maisie Jane Brooks.

She's now three months old and we just got full legal custody of her today...

I turn towards Christian who has a sleeping Max on his bare chest, "Christian.. I want another baby."

He smiles, stroking Charlie's hair as she lightly snores, "Okay.. We can try."

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