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Charlie - 9Max - 4Maisie - 20 months

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Charlie - 9
Max - 4
Maisie - 20 months

I hold my phone against my ear. "I miss you, Daddy." Max's little voice comes through the speaker.

"I miss you too." I frown, leaning against the wall.

"I wanna talk to Dad!" Charlie yells before I hear shuffling. I glance around the corner at the tables in front of me. Someone comes walking out of the bathroom, nearly running into me. "Hi Daddy!"

"Hey cutie." I say, leaning back against the wall with a smile on my face.

"Mommy said you won. I would've had to knock some sense into ya if not." Charlie says and I laugh.

"Good to know. Hey, hand the phone to Mama." The women's bathroom door swings open and two women come walking out. Their dresses are entirely too short and their makeup is way to heavy.

"Oh my God. You're like, a football player or something. Aren't you?" The box dyed blonde asks.


I ignore the girls in front of me. "Hey baby." I kick the heel of my boot into the carpet.

"Did you hear what he called you?" The other girl squeals and I roll my eyes.

"You cheating on me baby?" Brinley's tone was playful and I grin.

"I'd never even think about it." And I never have. Never will.

"Do you want to go get a drink with us?" The blonde asks and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Brin, hold on a sec." I slightly pull my phone away from my ear. Enough to be somewhat respectful to the girls that can't take a hint, yet close enough Brinley can hear perfectly.

"We're heading to the bar down the street."

"Incase you didn't notice. I'm on the phone. With my wife and children. You do know what a wife is, correct?" I ask, my gaze darting between the girls.

"Most celebrities don't care."

"Well, I do. Very much." I bring the phone closer to my ear as the brunette scoffs. Just as they start to walk away, I say, "Oh, and it's hockey. Not football.", which earns me the middle finger.

"Marry me."

"Already did but, I'd happily do it again." I grin, leaning the back of my head against the wall.

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