6 - Pricks and Stones May Break My Bones

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Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish

Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish

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"Good luck." Logan says as I hop out of the car.

"Thanks." I say, shutting the door as I make my way inside of the restaurant.

I was stressed, out of my element, and pissed off, all at once. Not to mention, the dress I was wearing was too tight, and my heels were an inch too tall.

I walk in, to be greeted by a hostess. whose boobs were definitely fake, and pushed entirely too close together. I scan the room until I spot Ethan sitting in a table near the back. Making my way over there, he looks up from his phone, smiling and standing up.

"Hey baby." He says, kissing my cheek as I internally cringe.

"Hey." I say softly, sitting down across from him.

"I ordered your favorite red." He says.

Which is bullshit, considering I don't like wine at all. He'd know that if he wasn't so engrossed in himself all the time.

"Thanks." I say sharply, scanning the overpriced menu.

"Brin.. I think we need to talk." He says, setting his now folded menu down.

"Okay?" I had no idea what he needed to say.

"It's just... Your work in the bedroom lately, hasn't been the best." My mouth gapes open.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say flatly.

"It's just, you seem a bit... Lazy."

"Maybe I'm tired of always blowing your dick and you not doing anything for me in return." I say, drawing attention from the elderly couple next to us. "Although, it doesn't seem like you need anything from me."

His light brows knit together, "Woah. What does that mean?"

"I don't know. Maybe I should ask Vivi." I say and his eyes widen.

"What does this have to do with Vivi?"

I scoff, "I'm not stupid. I know you're fucking her."

"And don't even try to start spewing bullshit to me. It's disgusting enough that she's my cousin, never mind the fact that there's an 11 year age gap. She's 18 for fucks sake, she may be legal but she's still just a kid, maturity wise."

He sits there quietly, his hands formed into fists on the table. "You've got some nerve accusing me of something like that." He says, his jaw tightening.

"It's not accusing of I have proof."

He scoffs, crossing his arms across his chest. "Proof? Yeah, okay."

I pull out my phone, clicking the 'photos' app. I pull up a picture that Vivian posted on he private Snapchat story the other day. "Explain that." I slide the phone over to him.

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