34 - My Daughter

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I didn't exactly mean for those words to slip out at this exact moment

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I didn't exactly mean for those words to slip out at this exact moment. Standing here in Brinley's parents' kitchen. Only partly clothed. Right after my daughter called her.. that.

The moment kept replaying in my head as I stared at Brinley.

"No! Save me Mommy!"

The look on Brinley's face when she turned on the light. The way Charlie referred to Brinley as her favorite and wanted to cuddle with her instead of me just minutes prior. I don't even care that Charlie likes Brin more than me. I. Don't. Even. Care.


"Hah?", Brinley's eyes find mine again.

"Um.. Do you.." My words trail off on their own.

"Yes.. Christian. I love you too." She finally says and I let out a relieved breath and lean my head back, eyes shut.

"Oh thank God." I breathe out and Brinley chuckles.

"Quit looking up at the ceiling and kiss me like you mean it, dammit." Brinley snaps and I grin.

"There's the spitfire.", I mumble before my lips are on her's once again.

Brinley pulls away with a smile on her face, "My dad is never gonna switch teams, I hope you know that."

My grin mirrors hers, "We'll break him."


I tilt my head to the side, "You're not going anywhere now. Come on, don't break my kid's heart."

"Charlie's heart.. Or yours?"

My expression turns serious, "Both."

A soft smile appears on Brinley's face, "Christian, I'm not going anywhere, ever. So, get me that stupid Minneapolis jersey with your name and number on it."

"Finally!", I do fist pump and Brinley snorts, "Just, do me a favor?"


"Give Charlie that cute accent of yours."

Brinley cocks a dark brow, "I thought that wasn't possible."

"Children don't fully latch onto accents until about twelve years old." I quote what Brinley said a month or so back.

"My accent is cute, ain't it?" Her grin is cheeky.

"The cutest."

We chat for a little longer before going upstairs and climbing back into bed.

Charlie rolls onto her side, throwing her arm over Brinley. I reach over, turning the lamp out before Brinley could before laying my head on the pillow and draping my arm over both of my girls.

"Goodnight Mommy..", Charlie whispers before fully falling asleep.

I snort, "I've been replaced."

Brinley picks her head up, "I can't help that I'm so lovable." And we both fall asleep shortly after.

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