16 - Recovery

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"Bye Brinley

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"Bye Brinley." Charlie cries, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'll see in just a couple of weeks, okay?" I say, pulling away and looking at her.

"Okay..." She turns to Christian, crying harder.

I try to fight my own tears as he picks her up. "Two weeks." He says, almost like he's reassuring himself.

"Two weeks." I breath out. Two weeks until I got to see them again. I was going to lose my mind.

"Bye." He says, walking towards the elevator.

Good news was. My sister was in town, and Mama was coming to visit. We were having a girls weekend, and I couldn't be happier. I only wish Nora could join.

And speak of the devil. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see Nora's name and picture on the screen. I hit the green green button, before her face pops up on my screen.

"Bonjour from Paris!" She yells in a terrible French accent. The Eiffel Tower was behind her and her arm was raised above her head as she grinned.

I laugh, taking a seat on one of the chairs behind the nurse's station. "Hello from the hospital." I say, as a couple of nurses wave behind me.

"I miss you guys. But, not really." She says and I chuckle. "Did they leave?" She asks and I knew who she was referring to.

"Just a couple of minutes ago." I say and she nods.

"When is your sister coming in?"

"In about an hour." I say looking at my watch. "My mom isn't coming until tomorrow."

"I'm sad I'm missing it." She says, a pout forming on her lips.

"Me too. But, you're in Paris so, I think that's a pretty good excuse. Plus, they'll be at the wedding. Which is only two weeks away!" I say and she instantly grins.

"I know. There's still so much to do." She groans, flopping onto a bed.

"We'll get it done. Don't worry." I say and a soft smile appears on her lips.

"I'd be lost without you." She says.

"I know. Alright, I have to go. I have children that need tended to." I say and chuckles.

"You say that like you have like a heard of kids." She says, laughing.

"I kind of do."

"Bye Brin!" She says, yawning.

"Bye Nor." I say, hanging up.

I lean back in my seat, sighing. A text comes through from my sister saying she's boarded her next plane. I quickly text her back before getting back to work. I only had half an hour left of my shift.


"Brinley!" My sister yelled as she ran through the airport.

"Em!" I yelled back. She jumped in my arms, dropping her luggage in the process. I stumble back a second before I squeeze her tightly. I set her down, pulling apart from her. "I've missed you, you little shit." I say, ruffling her hair.

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