14 - Coffee Dates

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"Bye Cutie

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"Bye Cutie. I'll see you next week." I say, embracing Charlie in my arms.

"And we're gonna have a huge super duper sleepover!" Charlie exclaims when she pulls away, raising her arms above her head.

"We are!" I say, matching her grin. "Bye Sweetie." I say, giving her one last squeeze. I stand up, wrapping my arms around Christian's neck. I pat his back a couple of times, "She's gonna be okay." I whisper before we both pull away. I internally groan at the loss of his touch, wanting nothing more than to stay with him, even for just a little longer.

I step back as they start heading towards the door before they're gone. I sigh. Nora throws her arm over my shoulder, "Someday... It'll happen. It's just a matter of when." She says, patting my back before walking away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say, pulling myself out of her grip.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She says, following behind me.

I grab my purse, making my way towards the door. "Coffee date still on for tomorrow?" Nora softly yells from behind me.

"As long as it's not before 10 A.M., then yes." I say, pointing my finger at her.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 9."


And that she did. At 9:01 A.M., I heard a knock on my door, well, more like a fist banging on it.

I forced myself out of bed and too the door. I'm just glad she doesn't have a key anymore. She lost those privileges when she showed at 6 in the morning to tell me about the first time she had sex Logan.

"Babe, when are you going to admit it?" Nora asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Admit what?" I play dumb for the millionth time this month.

"Keep pushing those feelings away and you're gonna miss your chance." She says and I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"I don't even know if he thinks of me that way. I called him my friend just to gage his reaction, and I got nothing." I say, slightly frowning.

"So you finally admit that you have feelings for him?" Nora asks, a hopeful look on her face.

"I don't know what I have."

"But you like him, right?"


"Oh my God!" She squeals, causing some people to look over at us. "We can go on double dates now!" She claps her hands excitedly.

"Will you calm down. Did you not just hear what I said? I don't think he likes me." I say before sighing.

"Babe, he definitely does. I see the way his face lights up when you walk in the room." She says.

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