Chapter 1- The Rose Blossoms

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I sit in front of Live House CiRCLE waiting for my childhood friend, Yukina, to arrive. The reason we were there was the same reason we've shown up here dozens of times before and likely will be the reason we will show up a dozen times more. She wants to find people worthy to start a band with. I know her dream better than most. After all, I was there when Yukina first shared her desire to perform at Future World Fes.

"Nya~." I hear Yukina's voice.

I turn to the source of the sound only to see Yukina petting a cat on the sidewalk. She sees me approach her and stops petting the cat.

"Oh, Y/N. I didn't see you there." She gets up and follows me. "I'll scout a member for my band this time. I'm sure of it."

She smiles at me with a determined look. Despite her look, I'm feeling uncertain that she'll finally pick one person to be in her band. Her standards are so unrealistically high that she's never found anyone who she thought was good enough.

I hate to break it to her, but if she can't find anyone to form a band with, she'll never achieve her dream of performing at Future World Fes.

At The Performance

"So what do you think of the band so far?" I ask her.

"The guitarist is great. The rest aren't worth mentioning. Their whole balance is off..." She stares at the teal haired guitarist with her usual serious expression. "But that girl... Her phrasing is one thing, but even the basics are far beyond normal skill... No regular practice can make you this good... Just how much does she play exactly?"

"So you think Sayo is a great guitarist?"

"You know her?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I've heard about her from a friend. I never guessed someone like her would be this amazing at playing guitar though..."

The band finishes their song to thunderous applause. I join in clapping, but notice Yukina still staring intently at the girl with her arms crossed.

"Hey, is that Yukina? She looks so intense this close up." I hear a girl say in a hushed tone behind us.

"Shh, she'll hear you. She's not the type to forgive that talk, either." Another voice responds.

Yukina isn't one to admit that she's bothered by this type of talk. But, it's more than evident on her face.

"Yukina..." I start.

"I'm used to hearing stuff like that all the time. It doesn't bother me. C'mon, let's leave. I'll be up soon for my performance." Yukina turns around to leave the room.

"Ah... She left. Do you think she didn't hear me?" Another voice says.

"Are you kidding? Yukina doesn't acknowledge people she thinks are beneath her."

"What, really? I know she's incredibly talented, but that's a little rude, isn't it?"

"She gets offers from huge agencies every day. I guess she just doesn't have time for us amateurs."

"Don't pay attention, Y/N. They don't know what they're talking about." Yukina reassures me as we continue to leave. Even though she speaks in her usual serious and monotone voice, I can tell that she is upset. But, I won't press her about it. Yukina is one hard shell to crack.

"That's it! I cannot be in this band with her any more!" We hear a voice shout in anger as we enter the lobby.

"I'm just speaking the truth. That practice was atrocious. If we don't make some big changes..." Sayo responds. It looked like we accidentaly stumbled right into Sayo arguing with her band members. "However much you try to hide it up onstage, you're just not getting the basics. And one by one, those bands that are will just leave us in their wake."

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