Chapter 16- Our Carol

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I was never one for cold weather. The way that the cold crisp air of winter bites at you, how you have to bundle up in so many layers before going outside, and how the ice makes the sidewalks slippery. I never enjoyed those aspects. But, the way the snow coats the land in a layer of white is always beautiful. Besides, who could forget the best part of this time of year? Christmas. What were my plans for Christmas? Well...

"A Christmas party with Roselia on Christmas Eve?" Marina asks me.

"Yep. There's this tradition in the west called secret santa that we are doing. Basically, everyone who participates gets randomly assigned a person to give a gift to. No one is aware of who is getting a present for who until they open it."

"And who are you getting a present for?"


"Hmm... what would that girl like?" Marina contemplates. "Perhaps something cat related?"

"It's Yukina. What else would I get her?" I respond.

Something related to cats was a no brainer. The real problem would be to get something that she would enjoy. Unless she would enjoy anything that reminded of cats?

"That's true. So you still haven't gotten her a gift yet?"


"Isn't this party tomorrow?"


Why do I always have to wait until the last minute to do anything? It doesn't that Christmas is so close. With everyone buying gifts, it's going to be more difficult to find something.

That raises another question I have. It's the night before Christmas Eve, yet we are still open. Why are we open today? There's been almost no one here. Marina and I have been chatting to kill the time before we close.

"I just so happen to be going last minute Christmas shopping after this. Do you want to tag along? Two heads are better than one, y'know."

She does have a point. Am I really about to go Christmas shopping with my boss? Yes, yes I am.

"Sure, why not. Maybe we could both help each other find a gift." I say.

"Great!" She glances at her watch and takes a deep sigh of relief. "Looks like we're finally closed for the day!"

Her voice echoes throughout the empty lobby. It's kind of depressing and uncanny seeing this place empty. I'm so used to seeing this place being filled with familiar faces. I suppose everyone does have plans other than practice with it being this close to Christmas and the new year.

We both make sure everything is locked and put on our coats. We head outside and she flips the sign to closed. And, since this is a December night we are talking about, it's chilly.

"Alright. Let's get our gifts!" Marina cheers.

We walk down the streets together. The lights and Christmas decorations strung around town all look beautiful as they light up the mood of all of those who pass by.

"Where are we heading to get gifts anyways?" I question.

"The mall, of course."

Luckily the mall is nearby, so we didn't have to spend a lot of time outside walking in the cold. With a mall this large, I'm sure to find a last minute gift... I hope.

"I was wondering. Who are you getting a gift for?" I think for a moment and a devious grin makes its way onto my face. "Could it be... you have a secret boyfriend that you're getting a gift for?"

"N-no!" She blushes. "Although I wish I did have a boyfriend... I'm getting a gift for one of my friends in my old band."

Oh yeah... I often forget that Marina was in a band once.

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