Chapter 10- Feelings Forged From a Furnace

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Today is Thursday. It's one of the better days of the week. When it's Thursday, that means the school week is almost over. The freedom the weekend brings is so close that you can almost taste it. Freedom won't be the only thing I'll be tasting. I'll be tasting Sayo's cookies.

That's not a euphemism. The way that I spoke with Tomoe really started to make me think about how I phrase somethings.

After a long day of classes, the bell rings and it's time to go home. At least that's what I would normally do. Instead, today I am breaking the first rule of the going home club: actually going to a club. I get up from my desk and head out to the hall only to immediately get ambushed by Sakura.

"Yo! You ready to head to the club?" Sakura greets me.

"Yeah. I heard from Kiki that you made her join the band."

"Yup!" She gleefully grins, clearly proud of herself. "It's a long story. Actually, no it isn't. I kinda dragged her along to CiRCLE and when I learned that she played bass, well I just had to get her to join!"

We reach the door where the club is. I open the door and am met with a pitch black room.

"Well well well..." A voice emanates from within the darkness. "You were lost, but now you're found. For you, mere mortal, you have found-"

What's with this voice? This doesn't seem like the club we were looking for. Wr must've gone to the wrong club.

"Sorry, I think we got the wrong place." I apologize and go to close the door.

"W-wait! Don't go!" The light turns on. "You've got the right place, Y/N!"

Inside are two people. In front of my is the chuuni who I've occasionally seen around before. Behind him is Kiki, who is laying down on the teachers desk sleeping.

"Ah, you must be that guy who gave me that weird letter." I say.

"It wasn't weird!"

"I thought I pretty cool." Sakura says. "Anyways! It doesn't matter whether or not it was cringy or not! We are here to do one thing. Since we got permission from the school to practice music here, we will do just that! It is time for our four members to all practice together for the first time!"

"Yes! Kiki wake up!" Keith goes over to Kiki and nudges her. "It is finally time for us to all practice."

"Fine..." she mumbles, reluctantly getting up from her nap.

It isn't long before we're all in place ready to practice for the first time. Sakura decided that we should practice a song called Don't be afraid. It's by a band that performs in the area called Glitter*Green. I've never heard of them before.

"Alright. Are you guys all ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Sakura chirps.

"Let us begin our symphony!" Keith declares.

"If it means I can go back to sleeping sooner..." Kiki mutters.

"Let's do this. Three two one!"

We all play. In those moments, I get lost in the music. This feeling I'm getting. It's the same I got when I practiced with Roselia and performed on stage. Everyone is in sync. The music they're all playing... it's like I can physically touch it. It's like I can see the colors it produces and feel the emotions it's bringing out.

It isn't long before we're done with the song. For a few moments, we are all stunned and silent.

"That was... so good!" I shout out.

"Heck yeah we're good! What were you expecting?" Sakura exclaims.

"All we need is a drummer before that contest."

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