Rinko Ending- Second Time's the Charm

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Quick Note: I know that this story uses gender neutral pronouns so Y/N can be either a boy or a girl. However, I refer to Y/N as a boy this ending because I was too lazy to come up with a wedding script that was gender neutral. Just ignore that if you're picturing Y/N as a girl!

"There's something I need to tell you."

"What... is it... that you want to tell me?" Her vibrant violet eyes drift from making eye contract to the ring I hold in my hands and she gasps.

"Rinko... I've realized how I felt long ago, and I'm sorry that I kept you waiting for so long."


I approach her and reach for her hand.

"So here's my answer, Rinko." I slide the ring onto her finger. "I love you."

"I... I love you too... Y/N." Her pale face shines a shade of bright red as she smiles and examines the ring on her finger, evidentially pleased by it.

"This ring... is so beautiful." She says. "I feel... like the happiest girl in the world."

"Rinrin!" The voice of Roselia's drummer echoes and we see Ako run up towards us. She takes notice of us being close to one another. "Huh? What are you guys doing?"

"N-nothing!" Rinko hides her hands behind her back. "W-why are you... here right now?"

"I wanted to watch the rest of the performances with you, but apparently you left!"

"Oh..." she turns to look at me with a wide grin still on her face. "Then why don't we go back... and spend the rest of Future World Fes... together."

"Sure. Let's all head back." I say.

"Then would this technically... be our first date?" Rinko whispers to me.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Ako asks.

"Don't worry about it, Ako." I smile.

"Oh... I see what's going on here." Ako's joyful expression fades. "Rinko... I thought we were best friends..."

"W-we are! I'm... so sorry, Ako. B-but... Y/N and I-"

"You guys were planning on going to that cafe that's doing the NFO collab together without me!"

.... Eh?

That's definitely not it. Thank goodness Ako can be an airhead at times. She looked so confident when she accused us of that.

"... You caught us." I play along with it.

"I knew it!"

"You can... come along with us, Ako. Then maybe... we can get Y/N to play... NFO with us." Rinko suggests.

"Great idea, Rinrin!"

We all went back to watch the rest of the performances together, and Ako didn't suspect a thing. That was until Lisa, being the fashionista that she is, noticed her ring and asked about it. We weren't even able to hide it for an hour before we had to tell everyone that we were now officially a couple.

Years Later

The wedding bells chime loudly on this important day. Here I am at the same wedding venue we took those photos all those years back, standing before the alter waiting for the love of my life to arrive.

The faces of those who I've grown close to over the years are in the crowd. It feels nostalgic having the familiar faces of those who were at that photo shoot in the crowd. Poppin party is here like they were during that day. So is Kaoru and Afterglow. Although I hope that this time Kaoru doesn't try to start a duel...

The organs begin to play and doors creak open, slowly inviting the blinding light into the room. In the light: a figure. This figure is none other than the love of my life, Rinko Shirokane. Slowly, she makes her way up the aisle with a beautiful black wedding dress, just like the one she wore on the photoshoot all those years ago. Roselia walks down the aisle at her side, supporting the veil.

She looks so beautiful. Even more beautiful than she did when I first met her. From behind her veil, I can see her bright eyes looking right at me, and I'm looking right back at them. It feels like an eternity as she slowly walks down the long aisle of the wedding hall. Finally, she makes it to the alter and takes her spot right next to me.

"Hey... Y/N." She anxiously smiles at me. "How... are you feeling?"

"This is only my second time getting married to the most beautiful person in the world. I feel amazing."

"That's where you're wrong... the most beautiful person in the world... is you." She responds with a red face. A cheesy line, but it sounds like something I would say. We both laugh a little as the priest starts to speak.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The priest says. "Y/N, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I respond, as I look at Rinko the entire time.

"Rinko, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I-I do!" She shouts a little too loud, causing her voice to echo throughout the hall. She looks embarrassed as she realizes it was too loud. I can tell she's mentally beating herself up for that.

"Now, repeat after me: I, Rinko, take you Y/N, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart."

Rinko repeats what the priest said.

Now that she's done, the ringbearer, Ako, comes up to present the rings to us.

"Good luck Rinrin." She winks and we take the rings from her. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Y/N, Rinko, please take the rings, place it on each others fingers and repeat after me: I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."

We both do what the priest said. When I put the ring on her finger, I think of that day I confessed to her. I think of the day that we met. I remember how shy she was back then and how far she's come since then. I think about how we stuck by each other's side. I think about how adorable she is. Aren't I so lucky for marrying her?

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

I slowly lift the veil from her face. Beneath it was the same girl I feel in love back when we were still teenagers. Her smooth pale skin, her long black silky hair, and her welcoming shy smile. It was all there. The girl who I love, and always will love. The one who I cherish above all else.

My world...

My one true love...

She's right here and with this, we'll be together... forever. Without any hesitation, I go in for the kiss.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Give it up for Mr. and Mrs. L/N!"

Everyone starts cheering as we kiss. She embraces me back and we kiss for a little too long. When we're done, I do the thing I've always wanted to do at my wedding. In one quick motion, I pick her up in a bridal carry and walk down the aisle with her in my arms.

The End

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