Chapter 18- Together

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There was a deep quiet in the room. We had played to the best of our ability out there, and were now waiting backstage for the rest of the bands to finish performing. I could tell by the look on all of my band mates faces that we felt very uncertain about how we played. Not to mention that time we had to wait for the results to be announced felt as though it was taking an eternity.

"Well..." I broke the silence, taking a look at each of their uncertain faces. "How do you think we all did?"

"I thought we did good." Kiki says. "There were some parts that could've used improvement, but what's done is done."

"I..." Hoshi stands up with a tears in his eyes and bows. "It's all my fault... I fell a bit behind towards the end of the song. I'm sorry that I was nothing but a burden to this band!"

"That's not true. You did the best you could." I tell him. "That goes for the rest of us. We did great out there. If all we do is beat ourselves up over mistakes we make or things we could or couldn't do, then we will be blind to our potential and what we have achieved. We've made it so far as a band! Even if we don't win, we should be proud."

"Right you are!" Keith agrees. "There's always room to improve, that much is true. To realize where your faults are shows that you have grown."

"Who knew something wise could ever come out of your mouth." Kiki says.

"H-hey! Don't insult me!"

"Whatever, Keisu."

"I've told you a thousand times before: It's pronounced Keith!"

"You know that Japanese doesn't have a th sound so it's hard for me, Keisu." She shrugs.

"Hey, Y/N." Sakura says to me. "Do you remember that day we met at Edogawa?"

"How could I forget? I felt so embarrassed." I laugh a little.

"I felt so glad. In this moment, I feel as though that was the most important moment of my life. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for forming this band with you. I think that goes for all of us. Even if we don't win, I'm still glad that I was able to spend every moment with you guys!"

There's a knock on the door and an employee peaks their head in.

"They're announcing the winner. Come out on stage."

The employee leaves the door open and walks away. I look at my band mates.

"Let's go. Together."

"Together." Hoshi stands up, looking somewhat more confident now.

"Together!" Sakura jumps up. "C'mon, show some energy guys! Let's go face the future all together now!"

We all walk out to the stage full of anticipation. There's many other bands there. Each and every band looks as nervous as we are. I guess that's to be expected. They all want the same thing we do. The nervousness is evident in the crowd as well. The chatter of dozens of conversations creates a cacophony that fills the air,

"With all bands done performing, it's time to announce the winner!" The announcer says.

With those words, the crowd goes silent, waiting to be disappointed or pleased by the results. I look at each of them. Whatever our outcome may be, we will face it, together.

"Coming in first place we have... " The announcer dramatically pauses and taking a slow look at each of the contestants to create even more tension, as if there wasn't enough tension already. "Pink Petals!"

It felt like time froze in that moment. Finally, after months of work, after years of dreaming, Yukina and I will finally have our dream achieved. I get this strange feeling It's that feeling when you finally get what you want after working so hard for so long. Part of you is so excited, but the other part of you feels upset that it's ending.

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