Chapter 11- Past, Present, Future, and Cats

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-Yukina's POV-

I aim for the top. Before, it was alone. Now, it is alongside my friends. Before I started Roselia, it felt like I was drifting apart from the two close friends I had. Now, we're better friends than we might have ever been.

I don't mind Lisa being a part of Roselia. She makes practicing fun and always livens up the mood. Y/N on the other hand... well Y/N has always been there for me. I've had issues coming to terms with it, but I've realized the truth about my feelings.

I'm in love with Y/N.

I have been for a long time. It must've started back when we were still kids. These feelings I have, I've always suppressed them. I thought any thing that wasn't related to music would get in the way of my dream.

After I had an argument about Roselia with Y/N recently, it made me discover many things about how I felt regarding other people. First and foremost it made me realize one thing about Y/N.

I want to be with Y/N forever.

I'm afraid of losing Y/N more than anything. I want Y/N to never leave my side. It might be unrealistic, but in the future after we graduate and play on grand stages with our bands...

I want to marry Y/N.

I might be getting ahead of myself. First, I will need to make sure Y/N understands my feelings. I know I'm not the best at expressing myself, but I'll try my best. I treasure all of the memories I've made with Y/N and I want to keep making memories with them. There's one memory that will always shine above the rest. I will always vividly remember the day I met them.

Many Years Ago

"Amazing, Yukina! You're such an amazing singer!" Lisa exclaims.

It was another day of playing with Lisa at the playground. I had managed to drag my father along to play guitar while we sung. It was something that we would occasionally do.

My father didn't mind. He was a stage performer that loved music above all else. To see that his daughter shared the same passion that he had for music must've brought so much joy to him. I wonder it if does after all of these years.

"Thank you." I gleefully grin. "Dad, do you think you I'll be a famous singer just like you someday?"

"I know you will, sweetie." He pats my head and smiles. I smile back. The snapping of a branch catches my attention and my eyes dart to the origin of the sound.

"Huh? Who is that hiding over there?" I notice someone my age looking at us from behind a tree on the other side of the playground. The moment I make eye contact, they duck behind the tree once more.

"I'll go and see!" Lisa runs over. A few moments later, she comes out dragging the person with her. It's someone our age.

"Hello, what's your name?" My father asks.

"M-my name is Y/N." They quietly respond as they look at the ground.

"Y/N, do you perhaps want to sing with us?"

"I- I do! It's just that... I don't know if I'm good at singing." Y/N says with no confidence.

"Well, we won't know until we try, won't we?" My father quips. "Now, why don't you two introduce yourselves to Y/N?"

"I'm Lisa Imai. Nice to meet you!" My friend greets.

"My name is Yukina Minato! My father is a famous singer!" I proudly proclaim.

"Now now, Yukina. Not everything is about me. You're your own person, you know." My father chuckled. "Why don't you say something about yourself? You can't talk about me every time you introduce yourself."

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