Lisa Ending- Mornings With You

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"Oh there you are, Y/N." Lisa smiles at me. "Kind of a lame place to confess your love to your childhood best friend if you ask me. Wouldn't that playground that we would always play at be a more poetic and fitting place?"

So she already knows, huh? It doesn't look like she's planning on rejecting me though.

"You could've at least acted surprised." I say. "Don't you think you saying you know ruins this moment?"

"Then why don't we start this over. I'll act like I never knew that you were so obviously in love with me, you big oaf." She winks and turns around. She turns back to face me once more. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"You don't have to do that. The surprise is already ruined." I shake my head. "Whatever, I'll just carry through with this like how I planned and act like someone didn't ruin it."

"Oops. Did I do that~?" She playfully looks at me with an innocent expression.

"Lisa, we've been friends for almost as long as I can remember."


"We've gone through everything together. We've seen each others highs and each other's lows."

"My highs were always much higher than your highs if you ask me."

"Screw it, if you're going to keep teasing me then I'll just skip all that and get right to the point." I show her the ring. "Lisa, I love you."

"And I love you too, Y/N." She smiles, taking the ring from my hand and inspects it before putting it on. "This ring is so beautiful. You've got good taste in fashion."

She keeps looking at it then looks at me with a wide grin.

"I feel kind of bad for ruining your confession there. But~ I can make it up to you."

"How so?"

Before I can react, she wraps her arms around me and kisses me on the lips. For a moment I freeze, processing what just happened before I ease up and hold her back.

"You're not a bad kisser." She says. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Quit teasing me or I might ask for that ring back." I joke.

"Okay..." She replies in a pretend disappointed voice. "How about I make it up to you by taking you out on a date tomorrow?"

"You've got yourself a deal."

Two Months Later

Weekends. What are they good for? Staying up late and sleeping in. I was never a morning person to begin with. During the weekends, I would sleep in as late as I could. But recently, something has changed that.

"Psst, Y/N~. Wake up~." A voice whispers, waking me up from my sleep. I slowly open my heavy eyes and see my girlfriend standing there. Behind her, I can see my clock. It's only nine in the morning. So early for a weekend.

"Lisa?" I mutter. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Your mom let me in."

"Of course she did." I say.

"You ready for a big day of hanging out with the best girlfriend in the world~?" She sits down on the side of my bed.

"Yeah... eventually I will be."

"You look so tired. Did you get much sleep last night?"

"I stayed up late again."

"Doing homework?"

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