Chapter 3- Fate and the Fifth Petal

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It's hot. Very hot for a spring day. Soon, summer will be upon us and most days will be like this. But, spring is not yet over. Spring is a season of rebirth and new beginnings.

It feels like this spring in particular is one of new beginnings for my friends and I. Lisa, being the most popular among her, Yukina, and I, had been spending less time with us since high school began. Being the outgoing girl she was, she had so many friends unlike the two of us. Ever since Yukina started her band, we've been hanging out so much. It must be the most we've been together in years.

Or maybe it's because of that promise we made. Lisa always told me that as long as a promise is kept, fate would be on your side. Maybe us all being together is fate.

But... maybe nothing happens by accident. We must just be blind to see the signs. That day where we all saw Yukina perform. Was that fate bringing us together? Or was it-

"Y/N-san!... And Lisa-nee, too! I'm looking forward to today!" Ako ran over to us, excited as usual. Her voice snaps me back to reality. We've been waiting here for awhile. Well, Lisa and I at least. Yukina went on ahead to not wait a moment of practice. "Huh? Where's Yukina-san? I wanted to tell her about my cool my sister was during her last performance. She had this drum solo and was like BANG and KABOOM! She was so cool on stage! I wish I had a video to show you guys!"

"A video... maybe you guys should take a video of you practicing together." I suggest to her. "You could show it to your sister. I'm sure she'd love it."

"Good idea! I could also show Rin-rin just how cool we are!"

"Maybe. Let's start heading to CiRCLE to escape this heat." I say as I fan my shirt. It was so hot that I became all sweaty. Ako, why did you make us wait today of all days?

The three of us started walking. It feels like we've all become closer lately. Even though I didn't know Ako until recently, I feel like we've become really close. I know a lot about her now... and her sister.

Tomoe... a tall red headed drummer girl. Apparently she plays in a band called Afterglow. The members of that band go to Haneoka although I don't think I've seen any of them before. I guess with how much time I spent with Ako, it's only a matter of time before I meet Tomoe.

"Ako, I just realized something earlier today. Are you on my schedule or something? I feel like I see you every day~." Lisa says to Ako.

"Well we are in the same dance club. We dance together, perform together and we can even make a rhythm for Yukina-san's singing."

"You've got two people in the band who can dance. Maybe you can convince Yukina to integrate dancing into your performances. I just know she'd love that." I joke.

"R-really?! Lisa! We should show Yukina some of our dance moves once we get to CiRCLE!" Ako says, not realizing I was just joking.

"Ehehe~ Why don't you show her? We've been working really hard in that club anyways. Maybe we could even get Yukina to dance~."

"Ha! I'd love to see Yukina try to dance." I laugh as I look at Lisa. But, something catches my attention about her. Somethings different about her today. Her hands... what happened to them?! "Lisa! What happened to your hands? Your nails... they're all jagged and plain! They weren't like that yesterday."

Ako's eyes dart to her hands, noticing how they've changed. Immediately, Lisa tries to hide her hands. I know that Lisa really wants to be in the band. But, if she doesn't pace herself...

"Oh, yeah... I just... Well, there's more to fashion than just pretty nails, right? I thought I'd try a little makeover. Starting with my nails!" Lisa asserts.

"Lisa-nee... This wasn't... for playing the bass, was it...?" Ako asks.

"More importantly, Ako! Don't you wanna go for some crepes sometime? There's a new place that just popped up in town~." Lisa says trying to change the subject.

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