Chapter 8- A Spring Day's Dream Part 2

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-No one's POV-

In this world, only one thing is true. The wealth one possesses in life is not determined by the money they accumulate. No, the true source of wealth comes from the friendships one forges in life. Through this philosophy, Y/N found themselves extremely poor. Until recently, Y/N only had two close friends, neither of which went to their school, Tsuchiya High.

Just what was it that connected Y/N with Sakura?

What is just pure chance that Y/N met Roselia?

Could there be something that connects certain people together?

There is only one answer to this question...

"An invisible red string connects those who are destined to meet." A certain blonde boy monologues to himself. "Regardless of the time, place, or circumstances, they will always be intertwined. No matter how the thread is stretched or contracted, it will never break."

"Right." A tired brown haired girl replies to the boy's ramblings as she rests her head upon a pillow.

It was an ordinary afternoon at Tsuchiya. Classes were just let out and the excited students moved to and fro, meeting with their friends. Whether their destination was home, a club, or a someplace else, their spirits were high. The last days of spring would soon be a passing memory. Within the span of a few days, the season of summer and all that came with it would arrive. Although so much changed in the world around them during this transition, the musical art club stayed the same. Every day, the two lone members would undergo their usual shenanigans.

"To escape something one is intertwined in is impossible. Just as it is impossible to escape the red string of fate, one cannot escape the fate they find themselves intertwined with." He continues.


A scene like this played out everyday. However, everything comes to an inevitable end one day. That day and the change it would bring was just upon them. There was something, perhaps an invisible string, that would soon connect them with a certain talent singer with little self confidence.

"Fufufu... this red string, this force of fate, it will lead Y/N straight to me!"


"Just wait, you mere mortal! Any second now, Y/N will walk through that door and enter the secret lair of the Prince of Darkness!"

The door slides open and Keith turns around. He's been preparing for this moment. Rehearsing to himself time and time again in the mirror. It's all about first impression. It's all about being as cool and fleeting as you can be!

"Salutations!" He greets only to see Sakura standing alone. "W-wait! Where is Y/N?"

"I guess Y/N didn't feel like showing up today." Sakura shrugs. "But don't worry! I showed up to undergo this quest or... whatever you wanted."

Sakura Kobayashi. This woman had just failed a test after boldly declaring, "who needs to study anyways?" earlier that morning. She knew how angry her parents would be after finding out about this. So, she did the most reasonable thing a person can do in this situation: Try to run from the consequences of your actions and fail. It would be soon that her parents would find out, but she didn't want to think about that. She had showed up knowing Y/N wouldn't accompany her.

"What?! How could Y/N not show up?" Keith pouts. "I was going to amaze all of you with my amazing keyboard skills! Afterwards, we were going to go on a quest to figure out who framed my dear servant here for stealing that bass guitar!"

"I know Y/N is at work right now. Y/N could've came for a few minutes before having to head out, but I guess they didn't feel like that." Sakura explains.

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