Final Thoughts + Joke Endings

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Every day of our lives, we stand at the edge of the future and the past. You take a step into your future. You leave something behind. You head for something new. A new unknown. An exciting unknown or a uncertain unknown. The future is an open road. From here where you stand, you can go anywhere.

Blue Roses is about choosing where to go on that road. It's about the struggle to grow, overcoming one's flaws, and the desire to achieve one's dreams. All of which are themes of BanG Dream itself.

BanG Dream holds a very special place in my heart. It changed my life after all. It inspired me to learn guitar and pursue writing as a hobby. I think everyone has a certain character in Bandori that they love because they can relate to them and their struggles. It's interesting comparing where these characters are now to where they started on their journey.

Now that the journey of Blue Roses is over, I encourage you to start your own journey. Whether it's something small like actually writing that story you've been procrastinating on or trying something new, you should go and to it... or don't. I'm literally just a guy who wrote a fanfic telling you to do stuff and there's no penalty for doing nothing.

I'm happy that we were able to go through this journey together. I wouldn't have had the motivation to finish this without you guys. Please enjoy these dumb joke endings I made as the final sendoff for this story.

Thank you for everything.


-Michelle Ending-

"Misaki? What are you doing here?" I ask.

Why isn't she here? I wanted to prove to her that I was worthy of her. I wanted to use the power of music to make others smile the way she does. Most of all... I wanted to tell Michelle how I feel.

"Didn't you want me here?" Misaki asks. "I mean, you sent me a text to come here."

"I thought I sent a text to Michelle." I sigh. "I was really hoping to see her here today. I wanted her to see me on stage so badly... I didn't even see her in the crowd..."

"Y/N..." She looks at me with sympathy. "Michelle is actually here right now."

"She is?" I perk up. "Where is she?"

"She's here because I am-"

"Misaki?" A voice calls out from behind us. It's one of the suits "Can you come with me for a moment?"

"Sure..." She follows them away.

"Don't worry, Y/N." The suit says to me. "Michelle will be here momentarily."

"I'll wait here all night for her if I have to!" I enthusiastically say. My heart starts pounding faster and faster. Just the thought of her and I belong alone makes me feel nervous.

"Y/N, I'm here."

There she is: pink and fluffy as she's always been.

"Michelle!" I run up to her and hug her. "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Don't worry, I saw your performance. You must've not seen me."

"What did you think of it?"

"It was amazing. You really blew me away."

"I'm happy to hear that." I can't suppress the wide smile that forces it's way onto my face as I hear that. Michelle saw my performance and liked it.

"Michelle there's something I wanted to tell you." I say. It's time to tell her what I wanted to tell her this whole time. She must know that she stole my heart. She must know that she means more to me than any of the girls of Roselia.

"What is it?" She asks.

I pull out the ring and present it to her.

"Michelle, you're so pink, soft, and cute. You're always shining on stage. Whenever I see you... there's this strange feeling I get in my heart. I... I love you!"


"I'm sorry... this ring might not fit on your fingers." I realize.

"Don't worry. That suit person gave me a necklace that ring can fit on just fine."

She presents me with a necklace. It's a large necklace that can fit around her neck. I detach the back part of the necklace, allowing me to slide the ring onto it. I attach the back part once more, and put it around Michelle's neck.

"I never knew you felt this way about me, Y/N." Michelle says. "I know we might not talk often, but I think I like you too."

These words make me more excited than I was before. I tackle hug her and the force causes us both to fall over. I look back up and see something strange. It's Misaki in a Michelle costume without the head.

"Ughhh..." Misaki groans. "Oh shoot! Where did the head go?"

"Misaki?" I look around in confusion. "Where did Michelle go? She was here just a moment ago!"

Marina Ending

The alarm rings and Marina smacks it. Its seen it's better days. It's only a matter of time before that miserable clock smashes into a million pieces.

It's early. The sun hasn't even risen yet, but it's her duty to wake up this early every morning. For a moment, she wonders why she bothers to do this until her eyes drift to the posters and photos on the wall. The posters are of the girls bands that she's grown so close with over the years. She looks at the commemorative photos of her and the girls doing miscellaneous things around CiRCLE.

CiRCLE: her home away from home. Every day there was amazing. She smiles, momentarily reliving the memories that those photos bring her before forcing her self out of bed. Especially the photo mattered to her the most. It was the one with her significant other, Y/N. It was a photo of Marina surprising Y/N with a kiss while they were working.

This morning is the same as always. Shower, eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast while browsing social media on her phone, then head out for the day.

She's ready to go now. She takes one last look at herself in the mirror before heading out. She's wearing her trademark outfit of a stripped shirt, cardigans, and jeans. With confirmation that she looks presentable, she heads out for the day.

It's still early, but there's many people out and about. Tokyo is the largest city in the world after all. Along the way, she passes by shopkeepers opening their shops and students heading to school for the day. This morning she counts how many times she says good morning to these people she passes by. Today, it's twenty three people.

Finally, she sees it. CiRCLE is standing there, looking as proud as it had the first day it was open. Just the mere sight of it never gets old. It always makes her smile and feel excited for the day ahead. She notices someone at the front door. Someone showed early. It's someone who's watched this whole story unfold since the beginning. It's you.

"You're still here?" She looks at you with confusion. "It's over. There's no more left to read. Go do something else."

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