Chapter 17- Uncertainty

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From the warm comfort of my bedroom window, I stare at the starry night sky that rests above me. To me, the night sky is always so calming, so peaceful. Just looking at it calms me down when I feel anxious or stressed.

Although, the wintery night sky dotted with snow flakes and shining stars isn't doing it for me tonight. I don't think I've ever been so anxious about something in my life. Looking at my clock, I see that it's almost three in the morning, and I sigh. Tomorrow is a day that will determine so many things. It's the day of the music competition that will determine whether or not I will get to Future World Fes.

Of course, Roselia had managed to secure themselves a spot at Future World Fes. It was a shame how they lost that contest awhile back and didn't get into the last Future World Fes. But, Yukina broke the news to me while I was working about a week ago. I noticed that everyone in Roselia was so excited and I asked why that was.

"We recently found out that we would be performing at Future World Fes. Although I don't understand why they're making a big deal of it. We were certain to reach it with through our dedication."

Those were the exact words she said to me. So casual about it. Not boasting or bragging. Perhaps that meant she had faith I would make it as well. After all, she does still consider me her rival. That isn't a title that she would so easily give to anyone as she takes music more seriously than anything.

I keep stargazing, hoping that it will quell my worries. However, since I tend to worry and overthink about everything, it still doesn't work. It's now almost four in the morning and I still haven't caught a wink of sleep. I can already picture how upset my teachers will be at me when they see me start to doze off in class. I'm even more worried about how this might affect the last of our practice time before the competition.

"I'm not going to get any sleep if I don't lay down on my bed."

Closing my blinds, I get back onto my bed and snuggle under my warm blankets. It's now pitch black in my room and I shut my heavy eyelids, hoping that I will get at least one or two hours before school. It takes awhile, but eventually reality fades and I am greeted by a strange dream. It is my wedding day and I am examining myself in a mirror, clearly worried about what's to come.

"You look like crap." The familiar voice of my boss, Marina, enters my ears. She is standing next to me as I gaze at my reflection.

"Tell me something I don't know." I groan, taking my eyes off the mirror to face her.

"Don't be so worried. It's only your first time getting married." She cracks a slight grin, attempting to cheer me up.

"Let's hope I don't need to get married a second time."

"Unless you carry through with that harem I keep telling you about." She winks and nudges me with her elbow.

Great, even in a dream she is trying to persuade me with this proposition...

I just stay silent, looking at her with a blank expression.

"Maybe now's not the time for jokes." Her cheerful façade fades, and she clears her throat. "Look, Y/N. I know you're feeling nervous. Who can't feel nervous about something like this? You're getting married for Pete's sake! The girl of your dreams is probably just as anxious as you right now!"

The girl of my dreams...

The girl who confessed to me and I'm forever to tell her how I feel. When her friends all told me of their love, I was anxious. I told myself to take my time to figure out who that girl would be. It wasn't until that summer night when for a moment, I thought death was certain that I finally realized who that girl was. I made a promise to myself after that day. I would tell that girl how I felt at a very special place. That place being Future World Fes.

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