Chapter 2- The Rhythm of a Dream

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"-This marked the beginning of..."

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pay attention to the teacher. I frequently zoned out in this class. My seat is in the back corner by the window, so the teacher usually doesn't notice when I'm not paying attention.

Looking out at the trees, I kept thinking about Yukina and how she formed her band with Sayo. It looks like her dream is finally within reach...

But my dream... it still seemed as distance as it was that day I screwed up my performance and gave up singing. I still remember the conversation I had with Lisa and Yukina that day very clearly.


I sat at the playground by my house crying alone. I didn't want to go home. I knew just how upset my parents would be at me. As long as I sat out here, I wouldn't have to listen to them shout at me for messing up my performance. Just what would Yukina and Lisa think of me for messing up so badly...

"I thought I would find you here." I heard Lisa say. I turned to her with my tearful eyes, and saw her looking back at me full of sympathy.

"L-Lisa? How did you know I would be here?"

"Because we hang out here all the time." Yukina's voice joined in. From behind her, Yukina stepped out. "We're all best friends. We know you better than anyone else."

"We just wanted to cheer you up! We know that you're upset with how your performance went." Lisa walked over and hugged me. "Just know that we'll always be there to support you. That's what friends are for! C'mon Yukina, group hug time!"

"F-fine. Just this once." Yukina joined in very reluctantly.

"G-guys... I'm so sorry! I don't know what overcame me at my performance. I-I couldn't force words to come out of my mouth... Just thinking about being on a stage makes me so anxious..."

"So what if you messed up? It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I know you feel alone right now. Just remember, the three of us will always be together so none of us will ever be alone!" Lisa cheered me up.

"Y-you mean it?"

"Of course! I once read somewhere that certain people are fated to be with each other. I'm certain that we're all fated to be together forever! So, why don't we all make a promise that we'll always be there for each other for as long as we live!" Lisa suggested.

"I promise I'll be with you two." I whipped the tears from my eyes. "There's no one who I'd rather be with."

"I promise as well. I'll devote myself to being friends with you for as long as I live." Yukina smiled.

"Then it's settled! We're all going to be friends forever! Through the good and the bad!"

"Since we're on the topic of promises, there's one more I want to make with Y/N." Yukina looks at me. "Y/N, I don't care that you messed up this one time. I know how amazing you are. That's why I don't want to perform at Future World Fes with you at my side... I want you to be there as someone I compete against. someone of your skill is worthy to be my rival. So, what do you say? Will you be my rival?"

"I'm not sure... after today, I don't know if I can sing in front of people again..."

"So you won't be my rival?"

"...Fine, if someone as talented as you sees me as a rival, then I'll be your rival."

End of flashback

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