Chapter 4- The Rose Reveals Itself

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"Y-you've got the wrong idea! It's nothing like that!" Sayo explains to the girl who called her onee-chan.

"So then it isn't a confession?"

"No! I was just apologizing for something I said." She blushes and for the first time, I see Sayo flustered.

Just who was this girl? She called Sayo her onee-chan so that must mean... she's Sayo's sister?

If that's true, then I wonder... how are these two so different? Sayo is always so serious and strict. On the other hand, this girl... well, she seems more outgoing and carefree.

"Well that's just boring if that's true!" The girl stepped right up to me, way too close. Her face was just mere centimeters from mine. Clearly she's never heard of personal space. "My name is Hina Hikawa! What's your name?"

"My name is Y/N L/N." I say to her.

Oh, so this girl is Sayo's sister. Sayo never mentioned having a sister before though...

"Nice to meet you, Y/N! Now, tell me. What are you to my boppin sister?"

The way that this girl is getting way too personal too quickly. Just what's with her attitude? And boppin? Just what does that mean?

"W-we're just friends! That's all." I explain to her.

"That's kinda disappointing if you ask me. On the other hand, Sayo finally made a new friend!" Hina hugs Sayo. Seeing Sayo embarrased for once made me chuckle. "That makes me so happy! I never thought you'd make friends!"

"H-hina! Don't say things like that. Can you leave my friend and I alone?"

"But I really want to spend some time with you..." Hina pouts.

"We can spend time together another day." Sayo snaps.

"Come on! Can't we-"

"No means no, Hina. Now leave us alone."

"Can I at least see you play guitar with your band? I bet you look so boppin on stage with Lisa and Yukina!"

Sayo looks startled by this question. She manages to squirm free from Hina's hug and distances herself from Hina.

"Just who told you I was in a band?" Sayo asks.

"Lisa did! She seems really excited to play with you guys! How come you never talk to me about playing in a band?"

"That's because..." Sayo paused for a moment, as if to come up with an excuse. "I don't want you to watch me play."

"Huh? Why not? Onee-chan I want to see you play with your band~." Hina whines.

"No, Hina. Now go away."

"Okay... I guess I'll see you back at home later..." Hina walks away, dejected.

"Yeah. Goodbye."

As Hina walks away, leaving just Sayo and I alone, an awkward silence fills the space between us. I felt like I just watched something personal that I wasn't supposed to.

"Don't you think you were rude to your sister?" I ask her.

"That's just how it is between us." She shrugs it off. "Anyways, back to what I wanted to say before all that happened... I'm sorry for that comment I made the other day. It was rude of me and I didn't mean it."

That comment?

Oh, she's probably referring to when she was about to say I know nothing about performing on a stage because of that day I failed in front of an audience.

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