Chapter 14- Photos of a Black Haired Bride

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-Rinko's POV-

Ever since I was little, I've never been very good at trying new things. I'm terrible with anything unfamiliar. Even with piano, I never wanted to do competitions. There's always a lot of people and I never know what to do. It's scary, so I always avoided doing them. Even finding new friends is hard. Speaking with random people in video games is difficult to me... It's a surprise that I even befriended Ako and the others.

Today, I've decided to make small steps. There's a certain energy drink brand that is collabing with NFO. So, I'll go shopping at a convenience store by myself for once. I'm always so reliant on Ako going with me to places, but I want to change that. I want to become comfortable with walking around by myself.

Walking alone when you're so used to being with others feels so unnatural. It makes you feel like you're naked or exposed. I can't help it. Even though I'm outside of my home and walking, I can't look up. I keep my head down to not catch anyone's attention. However, that doesn't last long.

As I'm walking, I notice Saya and Rimi from Poppin Party walking with each other. I feel myself freeze up. I want to hide and avoid them. I've never spoken to them without being with Roselia. I have no idea what I would even talk about if I approached them. C'mon, Rinko! Get out of there! Avoid that awkward conversation! Maybe it would be best to cut my loses and go back to the comfort of my roo-

"Oh, hey Rinko. What are you up to?" Saya asks me.

Oh no! I was so lost in thought right there worrying about them talking to me that they came up to me and began to talk! Crisis not averted! Calm down... just try to speak calm and clearly.

"I-I'm... just walking..." I respond looking down at the ground. I've always had problems looking people in the eyes. The ground is much more comforting to look at. You can't see peoples judgmental faces looking at you when you look downwards.

"Is that so?" She questions.

"Rinko, I saw Roselia perform the other week. You guys are really amazing!" Rimi comments.

"Oh really? T-thank you..." Is all I can muster.

I feel a little more confident now. They both want to speak with me and keep complimenting me. But still, talking to people I don't know well is scary to me.

"How long have you been playing piano? With skills like yours, it seems that you've been playing all your life!" Saya compliments.

"I've been playing... piano in competitions ever... since I was little."

"That's so cool. I was so surprised to learn that, Rinko, this shy girl I've seen around school, was a part of an amazing band!" As she's praising me, her eyes drift to something behind me. It's a woman who looks distraught.

"Hey Akari!" Saya waves to the woman. "Why do you look so??

"Saya-chan!" She walks over to us with a panicked expression. "This is bad! Really really bad! My life is basically over at this point!"

"Calm down. Whatever is bothering you surely can't be that bad." Saya reassures them.

"Oh, but it is! So you know that new wedding venue that just opened up?"

"I do... what does this have to do with why you're so panicked?"

"I was hired to take some promotional shots tomorrow for the wedding venue. The plan was to have models pose as couples so we could take photos of mock weddings, but most of them just canceled! If only the solution was right in front of me!" As if something clicked inside her mind, she freezes for a moment. She looks at all of us and she suddenly looks optimistic. "That's it! Saya-chan! Will you and one your friends fill in for them! We will have the wedding dresses and everything! All you need to do is show up!"

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