Chapter 7- A Spring Day's Dream Part 1

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My head is killing me. Every moment, another jolt of pain passes through my brain. Unfortunately, that isn't my greatest worry right now.

...Just where am I? I'm laying on the ground in some place I don't recognize. I take a look around and it's a blank empty room for as far as the eye can see. Well, at least as far as I can see. The lighting isn't the best in here. It looks like the only things here are me and the cold embrace of the concrete floor. I look above me, yet see no ceiling. It's just more empty darkness expanding infinitely.

Another jolt of pain through my brain causes me to cringe in pain. Why does my head hurt so much? I feel like death.

Whatever, I should focus on figuring out where I am. As I go to get myself off the floor, I notice something. Something awful. Something that shouldn't be possible.

I look down and see my dead body.

"W-what?!" I gasp in shock. This can't be real. I look away, then look back. It's still there. I shut my eyes really tight and rub them. When I open them again, my corpse still lies in front of me.

This must a hallucination. That's the only logical explanation for this. I slowly approach it and reach out to touch it.

"What are you hoping to accomplish by doing that? It won't change the fact that you're dead." A familiar voice calls out to me in the darkness, causing my to slightly jump. That voice... it could only belong to my childhood friend, Yukina.

"Yukina? Where are you? What's going on?!" I shout out as I frantically look around for her.

"I'm right here." She emerges from the darkness. She's wearing a white dress with wings protruding from her back. Sitting above her head is a halo. Strangely enough, right below that halo is a pair of cat ears on her head. The first question that should've gone through my mind would be, "Why does Yukina look like an angel?" But instead it was, "Why does Yukina have a pair of cat ears?"

"Where are we? What's going on?" I ask her.

She continues to look right at me with her usual expressionless face.

"I already told you. You're dead."

I'm... dead? That can't be. This must be a dream. None of this makes any sense.

"I-I can't be dead!"

"Look at your corpse right there." She motions to my dead body on the ground. "That should be enough evidence, no?"

"How... how did this happen?"

"Beats me." She shrugs, acting like this is some sort of situation to act casual about. "Well, this is where we part ways. But, before our last meeting is over, there are some things I've been wondering."

My head was spinning. First the pain, now whatever the heck this is. I feel like I'm going to throw up. None of this is making any sense.

"Did you live a fulfilling life?" She asks, ignoring how sick I look. "Did you fight for what you wanted?"


"Your dreams, your ambitions. Did you fight for them? Was it worth all the effort in the end? Or did you waste your potential and live a life where it felt like everyday you were dying?"

"I... I don't know what to say. Yukina! Why are you acting like this?! What the heck is happening?!"

"Fufufu... your time is up, Y/N." A voice cackles from the darkness. From behind Yukina, Ako appears dressed as a devil with little horns sticking out of her head. In her hands, she is holding a pitchfork. You know, I'm not even questioning how she looks. This seems like a normal Ako thing. "You thought Yukina was going to claim your soul and take you to heaven? Fufu... You were wrong! I, Ako Udagawa, the Fallen Angel, will drag you to Hell where you will experience.... umm... uhh what's a cool word..."

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