Chapter 15- The Fallen Angel and the Ghost

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Well this sucks. Actually, to say this sucks might be an understatement. Here I am, hiding under a desk with Ako hugging me tightly. Both of us are shaking in fear. These may be our last moments on this earth if that thing... that thing finds us. To think that this started off a boring unproductive day. Just how did it get to this?

Earlier that day

Summer. It's any student's favorite time of the year. No school, warm weather, and you have all the time in the world to do as you please. The last few weeks of school flew by. Since I won that bet with Asami, I managed to get some free food. Not a bad way to end the school year. However, if there's one wrong way to spend a summer, it's how I'm spending it...

In the middle of nowhere with nothing to do!

Yep, I still can't believe that my parents decided to ship me off to live with my grandma for the summer. I for one believe that I would've been fine if they left me back at our home in Tokyo. Even though I can't cook, do laundry, or do many chores around the house.

... Okay, maybe they had a valid reason to make me live with someone while they were gone.

How have I spent this summer so far? The same as always. Wasting it by gaming and procrastinating on my summer homework! I've managed to keep in touch with my friends back home through texting and calls. Although they feel close, they are very far away. Weeks have passed since I've arrived here, and after waiting what felt so so long, I will be heading back home in a week.

It's going to feel great seeing everyone in person again. It would've been so nice if this summer passed as fast as it takes to reach a few paragraphs. One of the things I've been reading to pass the time is reading on the porch. Recently, I've been reading this harem story about some guy who works at this live house.

"Come on, Mii-kun!" I hear a someone shout out.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." A voice responds as the crunching of multiple feet walking on a road go by.

For some reason, those voices sounded somewhat familiar. They sound like they belong to someone around my age. What kind of name is Miikun? I thought about it for a moment, and the realization hit me.

"Wait a minute... I hate harem stories. Why am I reading this?"

I close the book and set it down. Why did I invest so much time into this story again? Oh yeah... it was to procrastinate on my summer homework. I should probably start working on that soon or I'm going to regret it.

"Y/N!" My grandma yells from inside. "The neighbors granddaughter is visiting for the weekend! Why don't you take some of those cookies we made earlier and give some to them!"

"Yes, grandma!" I shout back. Finally, an excuse to procrastinate slightly longer.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab some cookies and put them on a plate. Good thing the only thing I'm decent at cooking is cookies. After that cooking class I took with Sayo, I've been making cookies often.

It might do me good to talk with someone around my age in person. I've heard my neighbor talk around her granddaughter. I don't recall her name, but all that I know is that we are the same age and that she's part of some band. I walk next door and knock the door. Within a few moments, the door opens and my neighbor is there, looking as happy as ever.

"Hello, Y/N. How can I help you?" She queries.

"Hello, Mrs. Okusawa! My grandma wanted to give these to you so you and your granddaughter can enjoy them." I reach the plate out towards her.

"That's so nice of your grandmother. I just know my granddaughter will like these." She warmly smiles. "Are you busy at all right now?"

"Not particularly."

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