Chapter 12- Five Makes a Whole

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A stage represents many different things to people. One of those things is competition. Here, the girls of Roselia would find themselves on a new type of stage. No longer would they only be competing together for the stage they desired most. No, just from those few simple words uttered by Lisa, Roselia will be pitted on stage against each other for the first time.

-Lisa's POV-

"... What?"

Just a moment ago, things were so lively. Ako was being so playful and everyone was so curious to who I was in love with. I scan their faces and all of their expressions match. They all look so serious now. So why? Why did the mood get so tense?

"Ahaha why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden~?" I awkwardly chuckle. "Did I say something wrong?"

"But... I already confessed to last L/N-san." Sayo says to me.

What? Sayo also likes Y/N? And already confessed?Don't tell me that they're already dating...

"What are you talking about, Sayo? I confessed to Y/N yesterday."  Yukina looks confused.

EEHH?! Yukina also beat me to the punch?  What's going on here? I'm not the only one in love with Y/N?

"Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight." I take a glance at everyone. "You mean... a few of us are in love with Y/N?"

Rinko blushes and looks down at the ground. With a shy voice, she makes it clear that I have even more competition.

"I-I might have... had some feelings for Y/N. B-but if you guys are already in love... I'll back off." She mumbles. "I... don't want Roselia to... suffer because of this."

"So I'm in love with Y/N, Sayo's in love with Y/N, Yukina's in love with Y/N, and Rinko is in love with Y/N?! Is there anyone else in love with Y/N I should know about?" I shout out.

Immediately, everyone turns their head to Ako. They must all be thinking the same thing. If Ako also likes Y/N, then that would mean all of Roselia is in love.

"Well, how do you feel about Y/N, Udagawa-san?" Sayo interrogates.

"I uhh..." Ako averts her gaze. "The uhh... fallen angel of darkness does not fall in love! I-isn't that right, Rinrin?"

"But you told me that-" Rinko starts to say.

"The fallen angel doesn't fall in love!" She asserts with a flustered face.

"Udagawa-san, you are a bad liar." Sayo shakes her head. "It's clear as day how you feel."

"Okay, fine! Maybe I do like Y/N!" Ako admits.

"All of us are in love with Y/N... huh... so what about that?" I say.

"This might become an issue for Roselia." Sayo says. "I know we agreed that our personal lives would stay separate from Roselia, but it seems like that might be difficult with this revelation."

For a moment, everyone is quiet. I don't want this to tear apart Roselia. If that happens, then I would lose all the people dearest to me.

"I think it's unfair for us to decide who gets to be with Y/N. Y/N has to be the one to decide." I suggest.

"So you're saying... that we should tell Y/N... that we're all in love?" Rinko asks with uncertainty.

"That seems to be the best course of action here." Sayo asserts. "I believe that is fair. Now, before we do this, I want to make one thing clear. Once L/N-san makes their decision, we won't let this affect Roselia."

"Deal." We all agree.

"Who would've guessed that my band mates would all be my romantic rivals~?" I chuckle.

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