Yukina Ending- Rondo

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"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" She asks as her eyes drift towards the ring in my hands. Her flat expression is quickly replaced by shock.

"Yukina, put your hand out." I say.

She obeys and puts her hand towards me, allowing me to slip the ring on. She examines it with a pleased look.

"Y/N, does this mean..."

"Yes, it does. Yukina, I've been meaning to tell you for awhile. I figured that today was the most appropriate time to do so. Yukina, I realized how much you meant to me. I want to devote myself to you and only you." I firmly tell her.

As I speak, she has the purest and happiest grin I've ever seen.

"I love you too, Y/N." She responds. "If this is your gift to me, then I suppose it's only fair that I give you one in return. Close your eyes."

I comply and close my eyes. I can my heart beating out of my chest once more. I knew what was coming and I wasn't ready for it. It was quick. A quick peck on my lips. I open my eyes and see Yukina happily looking into my eyes.

"There, now we are even. We can discuss a date later."

"How about we get some cat food and spend some time feeding the cats by the park?" I suggest.

"A strange idea for a date. But you know I'm fine with anything that includes cats."

"It's settled then. Tomorrow we will have our first date."

Ten Years Later

Yukina and I silently sit in the hot spring, the breeze gently blows her long hair in the wind. We have a small private hot spring to ourselves for this trip. I suppose that's what fame and fortune will give you. The view from here is breathtaking. You can see the lights of the small town light up the side of the mountain from here. Yukina sits in the hot spring beside me, her eyes closed, taking in the moment.

"This is a nice place." She says, interrupting the silence that stayed between us for a long period.

It is a nice escape from fame. From the tours and all the trouble that being in a famous band brings. This vacation was very much needed. Something about sitting in silence in the warmth of a hot spring felt just as nice as being cheered by a crowd of thousands.

That wasn't to say that Yukina was reluctant to take this trip. After we moved out from our parent's houses and got our own place, she immediately wanted cats. So, now we own three cats that Yukina loves almost as much as she loves me. She usually feels a bit distressed when she has to leave them. Lisa does a greeat job taking care of them while we are gone so it is never an issue for me.

"It's nice to get away from it all for awhile, isn't it?" I say.

"It is. Relaxing here is giving me ideas for new lyrics."

I suppose that Yukina, being the person that she is, would never take a break from music, even on a vacation.

"I love music more than anyone else."

That's what she would always say. She still says that. But, someone else very important to me also says that. She takes after her mother after all: Our daughter, Aino. She has long silver hair like her mother, but shares my eye color. Soon, it will be her fifth birthday.

She's always so outgoing. Always so passionate about music. She practically begged us to sign her up for piano lessons. She is an amazing piano player for her age. Maybe that's due to Rinko being the one who teaches her.

"I know that we're supposed to stay out of the public eye on this vacation..." Yukina continues speaking. "But it's kind of hard whenever Aino introduces herself. She has to let it be known who we are."

A valid point, but I can't help but laugh a little about it. Whenever she speaks to someone, she'll usually say, "I'm Aino L/N and these are my parents, Yukina and Y/N! They are famous singers!"

"What's so funny?" Yukina asks me.

"I just think it's funny that Aino likes to show us off to others and that she wants to be like us when she's older. It reminds me of you when you were just a kid."

"I'm glad that she loves music as much as I did when I was her age, but I wish that she'd become more independent. She can't always talk about us when introducing herself to other people."

"Now your sounding like your dad when you were a kid."

"I'm not sure how to feel about that."

"Do you think you could handle another kid as energetic as Aino?"

"I can handle all of our cats and Aino on top of going on tours. I think another kid wouldn't be something I couldn't handle."

"So then..." I smugly smile at her. "Want to make another one?"

"Why you-" She splashes water as me as her face gets red. "I'm trying to think of lyrics here. Not parenthood."

"It's fine. I was just joking." I laugh as I splash her back.

"You know..." She gets close to me and puts her hands on my thighs. "I wouldn't mind another kid running around."

It's steamy in here, and it's not because of the hot water. I wrap my arms around her and give her a kiss.

"Oh really now? Then we shou-"

"Momma!" The door opens and Aino is standing there. We both scramble to get out of our suggestive position

"Y-yes? What is it?" Yukina asks, trying to act casual.

"I can't sleep. Could you sing me a lullaby?"

"Sure thing, honey." She gets out of the water. "Y/N, would you care to turn this lullaby into a duet?"

"Of course."

We follow her to bed and Yukina tucks her in.We sing her a lullaby while she snuggles with her beloved cat plushie. She knows the song and joins in as we sing.


"What is it, dear?" Yukina asks.

"Do you think that one day I'll be an amazing singer?"

"Of course, dear." She kisses Aino on her forehead. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She pulls her blanket up and closes her eyes.

Yukina and I leave her room. I turn back to get one more look at my daughter, then shut her bedroom light off and close the door.

"I'm not feeling tired just yet." Yukina says. "Would you care to take a walk with me and maybe... afterwards we could have a little fun before we go to bed."

"I heard there was a place nearby that cats like to hang around at night." I say.

"Very well. We shall head there now then."

We leave our hotel room and walk through the quiet streets of the small hot springs town hand in hand. Together, we'll keep walking towards the future. Our future.

The End

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