Ako Ending- Wish Upon a Star

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When you wish upon a star.

Makes no difference who you are.

Anything your heart desires will come to you.

It's been six years since Ako and I started dating. I can hardly believe it myself. It doesn't seem that long ago since I confessed to her at Future World Fes. We've both gone a long ways since then and so have our bands.

Ako and I live together now. It took some convincing from her overprotective sister to let us do it. Tomoe wasn't ready for her sister to move out just yet. Our place happens to be right by Yamabuki bakery, so when I'm out and about, I happen to see many familiar faces. During a typical week, I will go to Yamabuki about once or twice to pick up some food that Ako and I will snack on.

It's a Friday morning and Ako is away at college for the day. I decided that now will be a good time to go shopping. I head out and cross by Hagumi, who drags me to her shop and gives me some free croquettes. She does this often. It seems like a bad business practice but I don't mind free food. As I'm leaving the shop, someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?"

It's a voice I've gotten used to over the years. It's one of Ako's long time friends, and the little sister of the energetic brunette singer of Poppin Party.


"Bingo." She lifts her hands away, and I see her and Ako's other friend, Rokka, there excitedly looking at me.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" Rokka asks me. "Y-you're not planning on chickening out... are you?"

Tonight is a big night. We're all going to a festival to watch fireworks. But the fireworks aren't what makes this night special. It's something else.

"I'm not. I don't want to wait much longer to ask for her hand in marriage." I respond.

"You're actually doing it this time, right?" Asuka glares at me with her bright purple eyes. "You're not going to get too afraid and decide not to carry through with it like that time at that other festival."

"Or that time you said you would at that concert a few months ago."

"I'm serious this time! I swear! It's just that..." My heart races. I feel anxious just thinking about it. "The idea of proposing is scary."

"This is Ako we are talking about! Do you know many times she's talked about how much she wants to marry you to us?" Asuka asserts.

"I know, I know. I'll do it for real this time. I promise."

"Great! I'll see Ako will a ring on her finger later then."

-At The Festival-

I got here a little earlier than everyone else. Ako decided to go find a yukata to wear for this with her friends, leaving me all on my lonesome. It takes awhile before they show up and I see Ako. She typically takes awhile while looking through clothing. It must be due to her sense of fashion.

After waiting for about half an hour, they finally show up. It's strange seeing her wearing a yukata, though I've been seeing yukatas in general all night. It's a shade of purple, slightly different from her hair color. Her hair isn't in its typical style of pigtails. She's letting her hair run free. I notice a bat shaped hair pin in her hair, keeping her bangs at bay. It's a look that definitely screams Ako.

"Y/N!" She spins around so I can get a full view of her yukata and beams a wide smile at me. "How do I look?"

"You look nice." I say.

"What about us?" Kasumi jumps in. "Don't you like me and Asuka's and matching yukatas?"

Looks like Kasumi tagged along with Asuka. This wouldn't be the first time that she's done this. Asuka looks like she minds that her sister came along with while Rokka looks as though she couldn't be happier. It must be due to her never ending love of Poppin Party.

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