Chapter 6- Metamorphasis

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-A Few Days Earlier-
-???'s POV-

Hello, my name is Kiki Nishikawa. I'm no one special really. My hobbies include sleeping, napping, and writing about my dreams. Everyone always told me that you need to sleep to stay healthy and to grow big and strong. If only that were the case. I'm the shortest girl in my grade. That's the only thing that really makes me stand out.

My life is very boring to be honest. A book or movie about my life would be so mundane and uneventful that no one would find it worthwhile. Even if I were to have a short section of a single chapter dedicated to me, people would find it so uninteresting that they'd quit reading it altogether. Well, my life was that mundane until recently I suppose. It all started when I met a very strange boy, a chuunibyou, and became his... servant as he likes to refer to me as.

I was searching for a job and, somehow, ended working for a wealthy family. The parents were away most of the time so they wanted someone to look after their son. For some reason, they decided somehow his age would be best to look after him. So, despite having no previous job experience, I was hired.

At first, I didn't realize his tendencies. The thing that worried me most beforehand was how he was half-American and half-Japanese. I knew he was born overseas and recently moved here. So, I was concerned that maybe his Japanese wouldn't be the greatest. However, all those worries were thrown away and replaced with a new set of worries the first day I met him. I still remember the first words he said to me.

"You must be the chosen one who will become the servant of I, the Prince of Darkness, Keith Bushida! Rejoice, mortal, for I have bestowed upon you a great honor. Now pray tell me, what is your name, commoner?"

I was dumbfounded by those words, yet in a way... I was mesmerized. Ever since then, I've been looking after him. At home and and school.

Yup. I can't escape the problem child that is Keith. Even at school seeing as how we go to the same school and are in the same grade. Keith, being the chuuni that he is, trapped in his childlike fantasies, had problems connecting with his peers. For the better or for the worse, I ended up as his only friend.

Now, Keith had two things he was very passionate about: art and music. So, he formed a club as a way to try and connect with some classmates... to no success. Keith and I were the only members of the musical art club. Yeah, that's what he decided to call it.

Most club meetings play out like this: I show up with a blanket and a pillow and listen to Keith's delusional monologues before I succumb to slumber.

Well, school is over for the day. Guess that means it's time for the musical art club. Time to watch this club meeting play out the same as always. I make my way over to the club room and open the door. Inside, he is already sitting. Keith, the tall chuuni with messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, with one hidden behind an eyepatch, was hard at work on a drawing. Sensing my entrance, he readies himself for todays monologue.

"The future is a blank canvas. That much is true..." He says.

"Right." I dismiss as I go over to a desk and set a pillow on it.

"We can paint any dream we want on it."

"Right." I take a seat and rest my head upon the soft pillow.

"Unlike mere mortals, with the power of my cursed eye." He strokes his eyepatch. "Whatever I paint as my future upon this canvas will come to pass."

"Right." I close my eyes. For a few moments he is quiet, and I begin to drift to sleep. That is until he shouts out.

"Hark, my dear servant! I have completed my premonition! Take a gaze into the future of the Prince of Darkness!"

Annoyed, I open my eyes back up. With a proud grin, he sets his drawing down in front of me. He is amazing at art, I'll give him that. Upon the canvas, I see Keith playing the keyboard upon a stage with two other people. Those other people look familiar.... wait is that Y/N L/N singing and Sakura Kobayashi playing guitar?

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