Chapter 5- A Wilted Flower

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It's not good enough.

Why can't I just write a song that is good enough to be performed?

I crumpled up the paper I was writing lyrics on and threw it in the garbage joining the pile of other crumpled up papers.

After Sakura and I made it official that we would form a band together, I figured that I should try to write a song for us. How's it going? Not well, that's for sure.

What time was it anyways?

I pull out my phone and see that it's almost midnight. I've really been working on lyrics for the past three hours? Even after all that time, I can't write anything I'm proud of. I don't think I could show these terrible lyrics to anyone. Jeez, even Sakura would scoff at these lyrics if I showed them to her.

It would be nice to ask someone for their feedback, but who would I ask? The obvious choice would be Yukina, but I want to surprise her with this song. I could ask the other members of Roselia, however I'm not sure if they know much about writing music. As if I'm one to speak... I've never written a song before.

Whatever. I've been dwelling on this for too long. I should get some sleep. Maybe some lyrics will come to me later.

I turned my light off and slumped onto my bed. I stared at the dark ceiling of my bedroom before closing my eyes. So much is yet to come. So much is uncertain. Just how much is going to change in my life? Before long, my consciousness fades away, and I enter dreamland stressed.

The Next Day

Today was supposed to be a day of celebration. Roselia's first performance went off without a hitch. Everyone loved their performance and they even had an article written about them. We were all supposed to meet up to celebrate the article we had written about us.

Honestly, I'm surprised that I was invited. What didn't surprise me was who didn't bother to show up...

"I texted Yukina-san and Sayo-san, but they're not gonna show up, huh... This is supposed to be our Roselia Magazine Article Celebration Lunch!" Ako whines.

Yup. Yukina and Sayo didn't show. So, it's just Lisa, Rinko, Ako, and I eating at a restaurant together... Can it really be called a celebration if two of the five members aren't there? Sure, there was the dinner they all ate together after the concert, but that didn't really count.

"They both said they have something better to do. I'm not surprised though. I never took them for people who'd enjoy celebrations." I respond.

"So hey... What did you think about it...? Y'know... the article..." Lisa says.

"Oh, yeah... I thought that part calling Yukina-san a 'lone-wolf songstress' sounded really, really cool!" Ako exclaims.

"Y-yes... That was... really, really cool, Ako-chan..." Rinko agrees.

"What...? Come on guys, I know you're just trying to avoid the subject, and it's only making things worse~. Come out and say it already!" Lisa says.

"O-okay... Umm... You did kinda stand out a bit, Lisa-nee, being all... fashionable, you know..." Ako comments. "B-but hey! Sayo-san was amazing up onstage, but she looked kinda bland, to be honest... It's not just you, Lisa-nee!"

"So you're suggesting that Roselia doesn't have a look?" I ask.

"Yeah... you're right~. That is definitely something Roselia is missing!" Lisa says. "Now that I think about it, Rinko and Yukina share the same kind of tastes, right Rinko? You both mainly wear black and white..."

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