Chapter 2

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[Sakura's Apartment]

The sweet masculine smell that suddenly enveloped her stirred the pinkette awake from her deep sleep. It wasn't unwelcome or bad. As a matter of fact, it smelt so good, it made her feel much more comfortable and relaxed as she laid in her soft bed.

Her nostrils welcomed the scent without a problem, her mind going back into her peaceful slumber.

Just as she was about to completely lose consciousness, the arms that were embracing her loosely tightened around her, causing her to snuggle closer into the chest her face was already buried in. It allowed their sweet scent to fill her more and...

Wait, what?

Sakura snapped her eyes open, forcing herself to fully wake up even though her body and mind protested. And when she realized there was an intruder lying in her bed with their arms wrapped around her, she yelped and shoved them right off her mattress.

"Naruto, you idiot!" she exclaimed in annoyance—and mild relief—once she got a good look at who it was. "What are you doing in my house? And why were you in my bed...and why the hell were your hands on me!"

"I get why you're mad, but it was your fault," Naruto tried defending himself, still sitting on the floor while rubbing his injured back. "I came to lay next to you and take a nap, and not even five minutes in, you wrapped your arms around me and wouldn't let go. I'm the real victim here!" he then drawled: "And—well, after trying to pry you off for a while, I just let it happen and went to sleep."

"Why were you going to nap here in the first place?"

"I wanted to eat homemade breakfast with you, but didn't want to wake you up," I was too scared to. Naruto sweat-dropped.

"You could've napped on the couch," Sakura frowned, annoyed.

"That's exactly what I told him,"

Sakura snapped her head toward her room door to see her other uninvited teammate walking in with bed hair. By the look on his tired face, she could tell he had also just now woken up.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for breakfast," Sasuke yawned. "I crashed on the couch."

Sakura sat back from kneeling on her bed. "How long have you two been here?"

"Like—around... four? Was it?" Naruto looked over at Sasuke, unsure of when exactly they had gotten there, but he merely shrugged, unsure himself.


"We got extremely drunk last night then had to take Sai home before Ino hunted us down," Naruto started explaining. "When that was done, we were suddenly in the mood for breakfast and you make great breakfast, so we came here," his shoulders then slumped down. "But you were asleep."

"What did you expect at four in the morning?" Sakura chunked her pillow at him.

"We didn't think it through!" Naruto hugged her choice of weapon. "Anyway, we decided to wait patiently then ended up falling asleep ourselves."

The room became silent for a moment. Naruto done explaining, and Sakura tired and unsurprised by their actions. She knew them wanting breakfast at four in the morning and believing she'd be awake for it wasn't even close to the most random thing they're done while drunk.

"So, are you making breakfast?" Sasuke broke the silence, his voice tired.

"She is!" Naruto leaped up to his feet and then walked out of the room. "Dibs on the shower!"

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