Chapter 44

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[Hokage Office]


"Oh, Sakura, come in." Kakashi gestured for the pinkette to approach the desk he stood in front of.

Sakura eyed the pictures on his desk. They were of different people she'd never seen before, each with specific information on the person.

"They're a few copies of the new rogues going inside the bingo book," Kakashi answered her unspoken question.

"Why are you printing them out like this? They're too big for the books." Sakura picked one up the size of a regular sheet of paper. The bingo book was usually smaller to be easier to carry around.

"They're going in a folder," Kakashi explained. "And they're actually the reason I called for you."

Sakura looked at him questionably.

"I need someone to deliver these new files to the borderline on the east side of The Land of Fire."

She froze at his words, the closed-eyed smile he gave her letting her know he was reading her thoughts.

"Yes, Sasuke is stationed over there."

"Why can't you mail them?"

"I also have other files that need to be sent to him and I can't mail those types of documents. They need to be hand-delivered. They also need to be explained."

Sakura frowned. "Then why can't a messenger shinobi do it? I'm a medic."

Kakashi leaned back on his desk, crossed-armed, and regarded her for a moment.

"Spit it out." Sakura voiced impatiently when his silent pause continued to stretch out.

Kakashi inwardly groaned. It was like his students didn't care to respect him sometimes. "Sasuke hasn't been sending word on how things are going. He only mentioned arriving and we haven't heard from him since."

Worry started to spread through her body.

"I'm sure he's fine," Kakashi assured her. "Physically anyway. Mentally, though... I was hoping you could go check up on him."

Sakura felt her chest tighten.

She was sure Sasuke was drinking his days away by himself and the loneliness was surely catching up to him. With his excessive drinking and complete solitude, he wasn't living healthy in the slightest.

She'd been worried about it before, but Naruto always mentioned he was taking care of it. And it wasn't like she could step in with all that'd happened between them. She would've only made things worse.

"Why can't Naruto do it?"

"He's a newlywed," Kakashi shrugged.

"They've been married for five years."

"Try telling him that..." Kakashi paused, feeling a sense of deja vu before clearing his throat. "Besides, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you."

For some reason, she didn't think he would be. If everything he'd said to her was truly how he felt, her visit might only be adding salt to the wound.

"I'm not sure sending me would be the best idea."

"I have no one else to send."

"You have plenty to send."

"Not any that he'd be willing to talk to," Kakashi used his I-know-what's-for-the-best voice.

The fact that he was using it on her when he usually only used it on Naruto made her frown again.

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