Chapter 11

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[2 Months Later]

Worksheets were stacked in piles around the pinkette's coffee table, each being due soon if not due already—and even with the knowledge of when the due dates were, they were still left untouched.

Every time she convinced herself to pick one up, she ended up distracted or simply disinterested before she even got halfway through. Her other duties were well caught up with. It was only the paperwork that she continued to blow off. This was the first time she had ever allowed them to pile up so immensely, though she wasn't solely to blame for it.

With that in mind, Sakura dragged in the person who'd been purposely distracting her during her duties, forcing them to help her with the mountains of worksheets.

"Your eyes have to be closed!"

"My eyes were closed!"

"Lair!" Sakura accused as she busted into laughter.

For the past two hours, she and Kai had been sitting across from each other on the floor, coffee table between them. Their initial plan was to finish as much paperwork as they could before the morning shift was over, yet only three sheets out of hundreds were done.

They were way too busy joking around and laughing to get anything finished, both blaming the other for not taking their job seriously.

Sakura blamed Kai for their distraction considering he was the one who brought wine for them to drink while Kai blamed her for starting a competitive game with the massive amount of grapes she'd brought for lunch.

Instead of working, they were tossing grapes in each other's mouths, a little too tipsy to realize how lame it actually was. Such a simple game, yet they were both laughing the entire time.

The pair had been spending a lot of time together recently—nine weeks to be exact. Kai began visiting her more frequently and Sakura began to expect his visit even when he had a mission. Without realizing it, she no longer kept him at arms-length. She genuinely hoped to see him every chance she had.

Whenever he wasn't around, she was completely and utterly bored, and whenever he was around, she was distracted, her entire focus on him and how happy he made her feel.

"Your mouth isn't even open all the way," Kai tossed the grape at her forehead.

"Yes, it was." Sakura tossed the grape back.

"The game's over, I won."

"Says who?"

"Says me," Kai said in a cocky tone.

Sakura lifted her chin, unwilling to say he won their no-score kept game. "Arm wrestle. Whoever wins, wins both challenges."

"That's not fair." Kai shook his head, knowing he'd lose.

They both began to pointlessly bicker back and forth, neither willing to admit defeat for a game that had started off friendly in the beginning.

Eventually, Kai pulled out a coin from his pocket, announcing the winner being determined by which side it landed on. They easily decided on their chosen sides, then the anbu tossed the coin up in the air.

On its way down, Sakura caught it midair before it could bounce off the table, slamming her hand down on the surface with the coin underneath. Their eyes were locked on each other's until she slowly removed her hand, and when they glanced down, the victor was known.

"HA!" Kai exclaimed, instantly labeling her a loser.

Right when Sakura was about to leap over the coffee table to strangle him, the door was swung open allowing her teammates to enter before she could say otherwise.

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