Chapter 8

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The sound of a knock on her door woke the pinkette up, yet not enough for her to register what was going on. Her eyes merely opened to the sight of her living room, and although confused as to why she was there, she still snuggled up closer to the soft cushion she rested on. She had no plans on getting up yet. It was still way too early for a day off, so her eyes fell back closed and her mind began to slowly start drifting off again... until the sound of the door followed by a familiar loud voice brought her back.

"Sakura, open up!" Naruto shouted. "I don't remember where I left my keys!"

Sakura groaned; a frown displayed on her closed-eyed face. Maybe he'd leave if she pretended no one was home? With that in mind, she snuggled up on the cushion again.

"It's that idiot," a voice groaned in annoyance from above her. "Go open the door."

Her eyes snapped open at the sound of her teammate's gruff voice, then she turned to lay on her back, allowing her to see the bottom of his chin. Sasuke was still sitting down the way he'd been last night and she had somehow ended up resting her head on his lap. One of his hands slipped off her shoulder when she moved while the other was still in her hair as if he'd been playing with it while she slept.

When she didn't make a move to stand, Sasuke opened his eyes to look down at her. Their eyes met for a moment, neither one of them saying a word as if taking each other in. He still looked tired, yet good-looking at the same time.

He's so...

"Then get off, so I can open it."


"I'll get it." Sakura quickly shot up, her hands patting down her hair as she walked to the door.

"Finally," Naruto walked in with Hinata. "Thought you were gonna get us caught!"

"It's not my fault you don't know how to take care of things, you idiot."

"I brought breakfast," Hinata intervened before they could argue.

At the sound of breakfast, Sasuke also stood up and walked into the kitchen where the rest of them were. His eyes scanned Hinata's plastic containers filled with food before grumbling, "Why are you both here so early?"

"I have to be seen coming out from here," Hinata smiled and then began setting things down for them to eat. "I also brought you a change of clothes, Sasuke."

Naruto took his seat at the kitchen table, his teammates following suit. They were all ready to eat even while being half asleep.

"Thank you, Hinata." Sakura smiled.

"It's nothing. Please enjoy as much as you'd like," Hinata smiled back before turning to her fiancée. "I'm going to get going. My father wanted to see me before his meeting."

Naruto straightened up at her words, magically wide awake. "I'll go with you."

"You can't. The guards are surely out there already. They can't see you walking out of the same place I was supposed to be spending the night in." Hinata reminded.

"Oh, right," Naruto's shoulders fell before giving her a grin. "I'll stop by after work then."

With a nod and a few more parting words, Hinata walked out reluctantly. It was obvious she didn't want to leave Naruto's side, and seeing as Naruto was moping already, he clearly felt the same way.

"Mind if I use your shower?" Sasuke asked once he was done eating, not wanting to be near his sulking teammate.

"Go ahead," Sakura nodded. She watched as the raven rubbed his neck while making his way down the hall. His back was most likely stiff from having to sleep sitting down, which was mainly her fault. She had fallen asleep on his lap and he was probably unable to get her off, resulting in him sleeping uncomfortably. He could've woken her up by shaking her if he was uncomfortable, instead his hand ended up bundled up in her hair.

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