Chapter 53

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[Months Later]

"Do we have enough clothes? What's missing?" Naruto almost shouted as he moved around the room while frantically shoving more than what was needed into a bag already overfilled. "Something's missing! What is it!"

Sasuke took a look around the nursery that'd just been finished two days ago, trying to see if they were really missing something or if his teammate was simply panicking. "I think that's it. Did you grab that blanket she asked for?"

"Yes, that's the first thing I stuffed in there." Naruto nodded, his chest visibly rising and falling as he desperately grabbed all four bags. "Come on!" he then ran past the raven and stormed down the hallway, his footsteps down the stairs vibrating all the way into the nursery.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke shook his head and followed after him. He was being his usual overdramatic self, but this time he couldn't really blame him. After all, his own heart was also racing, just clearly not as fast as his teammates.

"The door won't open!" Naruto aggressively yanked the door, the bags hanging off of him and swinging with every yank. "Dammit, we don't have time for this! She could be going into labor as we speak!"

Sasuke approached him from behind before calmly setting a hand on his shoulder for him to stop. Naruto glanced up at him and only moved back a step to give him room for him to try. They both stood before the door, Naruto panting in fear at the thought of being stuck in the house forever...until Sasuke twisted the lock and then stood back for Naruto to try opening it again.

"Oh..." Naruto breathed out but didn't think too much of it, as he yanked the door open and ran down the path in the front yard. He kicked open the gate and then turned to face the raven. "Why are you just standing there!" he hollered. "Sakura's in labor!" Then he sped off toward the direction of the hospital.

With the way his idiot best friend was acting, it was as if Hinata were the one in labor. Sasuke released an amused breath and began making his way to the hospital at his own pace.


"Yes?" Ino responded through her jutsu.

"How's everything going?"

"Everything's fine. You haven't missed anything."

He figured as much. When Ino had contacted them earlier saying Sakura's water broke while they were out having lunch, she'd mentioned it'd be an hour or two before she had to start pushing which meant Naruto was panicking for no reason.

"Are you on your way?" Ino's voice came again.

"Yeah, I'm close."

"Naruto's here already and he won't shut up—Would you sit down!" she suddenly barked midway, loud enough for it to also pass through to him. "Please hurry."

"Is it time?" Sasuke was ready to start body-flickering through the rooftops to get there within the minute.

"No, not yet," Ino assured. "It's just Naruto looks about ready to have a panic attack."

Of course.

Although he wasn't sprinting toward the hospital, his steps were moving faster than they normally did and now they were picking up the pace...all while his heart was practically in his throat.

This was it. Within a few hours, he would be holding his first child. Not only that, but within a few hours, both his and Sakura's—and everyone in Konoha 12—thoughts would be officially confirmed about something they'd figured out months ago. He hoped with everything—and already kind of knew—they were right.

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