Chapter 51

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[Konoha Pub]

Maybe it was the fact that there were new employees he hadn't met before. Or maybe it was the result of finally being back home after being gone for months... Or maybe it was the heavy feeling in his chest. He wasn't entirely sure. Only one thing was certain: he didn't feel at home in a place he'd always felt comfortable being in.

Sasuke felt out of place in his own bar. He felt out of place in his own village. He felt out of place in his own body. It was as if there was no point.

And there wasn't.

The life he wanted was gone. The future he'd hoped for was a delusion, a fantasy. What was there to look forward to? All he saw in his future was loneliness and unnecessary work and problems.

Maybe he could look forward to his nieces and nephews? Seeing them grow up and become great people who would annoy him like their parents always had...

Did that include Sakura's child as well?

Sasuke tightened his hold on the cup filled with dark liquor in his hands. Of course, it did. Even if he and Sakura never spoke again, he was still going to be that little shits uncle just as he would be to every kid that would come from Konoha 12.

They were over, but they were still family.

Now all he could do was hope Sakura would one day find someone good for her. Someone who wouldn't hurt her and would put her first, and who would love her child simply because part of her was inside them. He hoped one day she would look back to all the pain he'd caused, and all the pain Kai had caused, and would laugh while in the arms of a man who made her past heartache seem ridiculous.

The thought stung, yet he still prayed she got what she deserved; a happy ending.

Using his finger to circle the rim of his glass, Sasuke continued to stare at the dark liquid as he suddenly remembered something. The reason why he never told Sakura to wait for him which caused him to lose her. The reason why he didn't simply tell her that he needed time and would soon come back for her.

He never explained things to her, because even though he wanted her, part of him felt like he wasn't and would never be enough for he stayed silent in case one day someone worthy of her came.

"Fucking stupid," Sasuke murmured to himself.

The man that came—that bastard, Kai—was nowhere near worthy of her. He couldn't help but blame himself for the pain he idiotically allowed another to cause her. He hoped the next one would be the one who heals her.

Third time's a charm...

Sasuke wouldn't normally believe in such a saying, but considering whoever ended up catching the pinkette's attention would have to prove themselves worthy of her before Naruto allowed them to have anything serious, he knew the third person to have her heart would be someone good for her.

Naruto Uzumaki wouldn't let another one hurt her.

Sasuke knew that well and it made him happy to know they both had someone like him. Naruto would go to great lengths for both of them. Though he was a good and kind person, there were times when he could be dark. Especially when it came to his friends.

Naruto didn't condone hurting or killing people as revenge, Sasuke had been aware of that for a long time. However, when he informed him about what he'd done to Kai, all he'd gotten from his friend was a nod and a small praise telling him he did good.

It came to show how much he cared about Sakura.

Naruto cared about both Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke cared about both Sakura and Naruto.

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