Chapter 10

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It'd been a week.

An entire week since the lone raven took off for his journey to wherever the hell he went.

An entire week since the last time the heartbroken pinkette left her home...or at least that's how everyone was treating it as.

In reality, she did leave her home. It was only a bit different than before. Instead of being early to work, she was an hour or two late, and instead of overworking as she usually did, she clocked out hours before her shift was even over.

Though she wasn't there for long, she still showed up. But seeing as she locked herself in her office the entire time she was there, everyone considered it as her not showing up at all.

With that being the case, Sakura decided to stay in all day. She lied in bed for hours when she'd woken up, staring absently at the ceiling, and was now sitting on her living room couch with no intentions of seeing the outside world until her shift tomorrow morning.

A movie was on, her PJs were on, and a cozy blanket laid on top of her. There was nothing that could make her get up from her spot...or that's what she had hoped anyway, however, when a knock suddenly came from her front door, all she could do was let out a deep frustrated sigh.

She didn't want to leave her home. She didn't want to get up. She didn't even want to open her mouth to converse with anyone.

The universe clearly had it out for her.

Sakura dragged her feet on her way to her door, a short groan escaping her once she stood before it. She hoped whatever they wanted was quick, prayed they didn't need her at the hospital. But most of all, she dreaded for it to be Naruto. She had yet to see the blond all week and now wasn't a good time. She didn't need him worrying and hovering.

Opening the door, the pinkette mentally braised herself for whatever it was that was awaiting her, but when she was met with a certain anbu holding a plastic bag in one hand and a bottle in the other, she visibly relaxed.

She hadn't seen him since the night before her teammate left on his long-term, and although she didn't want any company, her chest felt the slightest bit lighter by his presence.

He'd undoubtedly come to cheer her up.

"Favorite wine and to-go plate," Kai smiled. "I'm hoping this is a good enough offering to let me pass."

Sakura smiled back as she moved aside to let him in, closing the door behind them. Then she silently watched as he took in her home for a moment.

"Not bad," he commented while setting everything on the coffee table. "What are you watching?"

"Just some movie." Sakura sat back down where she'd been for most of the afternoon.

Kai took a seat beside her, getting everything ready for her to eat before filling her wine glass.

Looking at it all, Sakura felt a sudden lump in her throat that she quickly swallowed back. It was such a kind gesture that she was incredibly grateful for. It seemed he always knew when to show up.

"What brings you here anyway?" she asked, not wanting to get emotional by her thoughts.

"You haven't been working much," Kai replied in a casual tone, relaxed, but she could see the concern for her clear in his eyes.

"I thought you were away on a mission. How'd you know?"

"I have eyes and ears everywhere, Sakura," he smirked.

Sakura scoffed at his arrogantly teasing words. She didn't doubt Ino informing him of her work absence and sending him her way the very second he stepped foot inside the village. It made sense considering he was still in his anbu attire and his wavy hair was a tad ruffled.

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