Chapter 28

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[Konoha Pub]

"You guys remember when I said the next rounds on me?" Naruto chuckled nervously as the group eyed him with knowingly annoyed gazes. "Yeah—well, according to my wallet I only have enough for Hinata and myself, heh. Isn't that funny?"

"Idiot," Shikamaru sighed.

"Next time don't offer to pay for our drinks then!" Ino exclaimed.

Sakura absently listened to her teammate trying to defend himself while her best friend scolded him, yet her eyes remained focused on the half-empty drink in front of her.

From her peripheral vision, she could see Sai's fingers intertwining with his wives to calm her, while on side she could see Temari inattentively tapping the table with her thumb. She wasn't sure how long they'd been at the pub, maybe hours—or at least it felt like it.

Hinata's voice was eventually heard amongst the bickering, the bluenette trying to ease things as she always did. Then not too long after, the sound of her husband agreeing with whatever she said came from beside her. She'd forgotten he was the for a second which was ridiculous considering his hand rested on her thigh.

Months ago, the simple touch would've had her on fire, now it only made her think about things she didn't want to think about.

"Anyway," Naruto waved Ino off, not wanting to continue their argument. "On to more important matters."


"Like..." Naruto trailed off, surely trying to figure out what to say to get Ino off his back. "... Sasuke."

At the sudden mention of their raven-haired teammate, Sakura's gaze flew up. She was yet to receive a letter back from him but wasn't too worried, as she'd barely sent one in return a few days ago.

It was new for them to be exchanging letters as often as they were and she didn't mind it one bit. They distracted her from things even if it was only for a brief moment.

The sudden feeling of her husband's hand tightening on her thigh let her know he noticed and didn't like her reaction to her teammate's name. Nothing else gave away his displeasure, though.

Kai remained talking and acting as if she hadn't reacted at all.

"Speaking of Sasuke, when is he coming back?"

"Who knows." Naruto leaned back at Temari's question. "Could be months, could be years. It all depends on how the client's family handles the situation. Sasuke can't speed up this mission even if he wanted to."

"It used to be strange when Sasuke was home. Now it's strange that he's gone." Ino stated thoughtfully.

"Yeah, team seven was reunited for a good while."

"Soon Sakura will be gone too," Sai mentioned.

Sakura visibly stiffened at the unexpected words. She didn't think her upcoming departure would be mentioned at all.

Looking toward her blond teammate, she could tell he noticed her reaction by the concerned look in his gaze. And by the way everyone else had gone quiet, she knew he wasn't the only one.

"What?" Kai spoke after a silent pause. He glanced over at the pinkette before facing Sai again. "What do you mean by that?" At his lack of reply, he then turned toward Naruto. "What is he talking about?"

"Well..." Naruto didn't know how to respond either. He, just as Sai, had assumed Kai knew about Sakura's upcoming mission away from the village.

"What are they talking about?" Kai turned toward Sakura when he wasn't answered a second time.

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