Chapter 19

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The sunlight forcing its way through the cracks of the window curtains managed to wake him from his deep slumber. If it wasn't so bright, he probably would've been able to sleep longer, nonetheless a huge part of him was grateful to be suddenly awakened.

Sasuke woke up in a room that didn't belong to him with a headache pounding in his skull. The unfamiliar change of scenery would've altered him had it not been something he was used to; however, the extreme headache wasn't something he got so often.

Dammit. He lifted his hand to his head and groaned in pain. He was way too hungover.

Not too long after he acknowledged his pain and surroundings, Sasuke felt someone stir beside him causing him to make himself as still as possible. He waited until the body slumped back down in slumber for him to slowly remove the leg resting over of his naked waist. Once he was able to successfully push the limb off without waking up its owner, he quickly got out of bed as quietly as he could.

A blonde lied on the bed he'd slept in all night. He couldn't recall her name, and he didn't care. He wasn't fazed by who she was, knowing he wouldn't notice her from then on out.

Picking up his clothes from the floor, he began to dress quietly, but the moment he heard her start to stir again, he immediately froze. It wasn't until she relaxed back into her bed that he pulled on the rest of his clothes and then dipped out through the window before she could notice.

Sasuke sighed in relief once he knew he was safe. He couldn't have her thinking he willing spent the night with her. He knew all too well how clingy girls got when making that mistake. They never saw it as what it really was, which was him knocking out after being too drunk and finally busting a nut.

He stuck to the shadows on his way home, trying not to be detected by anyone he was aquatinted with for obvious reasons. It was evident the clothes on his back were from last night considering how wrinkled they were, then there was his hair that was in no doubt disheveled. He didn't need anyone bad-mouthing and teasing him to his face so early in the morning.

It wasn't until he finally made it to the corner street of his apartment that he decided to come out of hiding and walked casually to the front door.

If only he had been quicker.

Just as he was about to reach for the doorknob, a voice spoke out from behind him causing him to groan in annoyance.

"Ah, the walk of shame once again."

Sasuke didn't turn back to acknowledge the blond nor did he pause his steps. He merely opened his apartment door and walked in, leaving it open for his teammate to enter as he knew trying to keep him out was only going to be more frustrating.

"That's three nights in a row now," Naruto commented before closing the door behind him. "And I doubt it was with the same girl—"

"Why are you here?"

"There's a team seven dinner tonight," he took a seat on the only couch in the apartment.

"I'll pass," Sasuke said dismissively while preparing a cup of coffee.

"Come on, you didn't go last time either!"

"I live here now. I'm staying. What's the point of having them?"

"We didn't just have those because you were visiting, you know!" Naruto frowned. "We still would've had them if you hadn't left."

"I'm busy."

"Doing what?"

"I have to clean."

Naruto glanced around at the bare apartment before looking back toward the raven with a doubtful expression.

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