Chapter 46

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Her eyes were glued to the coffee table in front of her while she sat bundled up on her couch, a blanket wrapped around her as if it could warm the feeling in her chest.

Nothing was on her mind; it was blank.

After having so many thoughts running through her the past few days, each and every one of them breaking her down slowly as the pain inside her increased, she eventually managed to shut them out, numbness taking over.


Her eyes blinked slowly. Her head turned toward the opened door to her living room, wondering if she was hearing things.

"Sakura," the voice spoke again, finally registering.

It was then that she realized she was staring at a pair of legs standing at the door. Her gaze went up to Kai who held a cup in his hand.

"Dinner's ready," he spoke gently. "Come eat."

"I'm not hungry," she mumbled.

"Come eat," Kai repeated.

"I said, I'm not hungry," she bit out.

She wasn't sure if it was the heartbreak that was causing her to not feel things she used to feel so strongly, but she wasn't afraid of Kai at the moment. She didn't care if he lost his temper or lashed out.

He could go ahead and try it.

The moment she got back to the village after being on the outskirts of The Land of Fire, she went straight home even while knowing how they'd argued and how she'd basically moved out. She didn't care.

It was her house, not his.

She'd hardly spoken to him, and although he'd usually flip out for it, he remained calm and understanding, playing the good guy part he always did when he was scared she might actually leave.

Kai sighed from his spot at the door before walking off. She assumed she was finally going to have her space again until he suddenly returned with a tray filled with food.

He set it up on the coffee table in front of her and then took a seat beside her.

"You haven't been eating properly," Kai pointed out. "You have to. You know that's not healthy and I'm worried."

Sakura remained silent, irritation flowing through her at his kindness. It was fake. He'd lash out and cheat on her again eventually. This was merely to win her back.

"Sakura," he grabbed her face gently and forced her to look at him. "You don't look good, baby. Just eat a little."

Something she couldn't explain flowed through her as her eyes remained locked with his. His crystal blue orbs shined beautifully, she suddenly felt her heart skip.

"Okay..." she answered before tearing her gaze away from his.

It always only took one look from him and he won.

That was the reason she'd been making sure he gave her space. She was afraid she'd stay with him if she foolishly fell for his fake kindness and fake worry.

She loved Kai, but he wasn't good for her.

Sakura began eating slowly, Kai watching her silently from her side.

The meal was good; it was always good. Kai was a good cook, a hard worker, a respected ally, a good friend, kind when he wanted to be, caring and lovely. If only he didn't have those scary episodes when he got mad, she would've never left to no-name, she would've never taken the mission to drop off files, she would've never been this heartbroken.

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