Chapter 4: Prophecy

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One of my Christmas presents, my favorite one, was from James. He got me a children's toy broom to fly around on all over his Manor. It reminded me of riding my motorcycle in my last life, and even though it only went maybe five miles per hour tops, it was a lot of fun. 

I also loved the kitten that James got for Lily. It's a cute little orange tabby kitten, and Lily named her Marin. We played together whenever I was over, sometimes a little too rough, I've gotten a few kitten scratches from her, but they didn't really hurt and Lily would always patch me up with magic quickly, which is just great. It reminds me so much of my first resurrection, where wounds could be healed easily with a certain technique. I certainly didn't have that in the last life, and really wish I did. 

Dad does have his flying motorcycle, which he added a sidecar to it for me to ride in, but he couldn't exactly take it out a bunch with me when I was teeny tiny. Grandma had lectured him day one about not using the bike with me in it, and I pouted back then at that, I would have loved to travel more by bike. He's been using it more lately since I'm bigger now, but I'm still completely covered when in the sidecar so I can't really see anything or feel anything when riding. I'm sure when I'm bigger I can ride more in it, or even just steal it when he's not looking.

Not long after the holidays I was brought to another meeting for the Order again. This doesn't happen often, but apparently I was specifically requested to come, along with James and Lily, by Dumbledore. This made me nervous, I shouldn't be involved in anything yet, for multiple reasons. The main reason is I'm not even two, I don't think I should be there at all. But, I'm going, and I'm nosy anyway and want to know what the old man wants. 

When we get there, our little group isn't the only ones there. Frank and Alice Longbottom are also there, and I can see that Alice is pregnant. I think I just figured out what this meeting is about.

"Thank you for coming, I have urgent news." Dumbledore starts as soon as everyone has arrived. If memory serves, I believe it's Snape who let's slip about the prophecy, but he's not here at all currently. I actually still haven't met him, I think he's a full time Death Eater right now.

"What is it, Dumbledore? And why have Abigail here?" Dad asks in concern. He's been very protective over me since the attack in Diagon Alley two months ago, he doesn't let anyone over to the flat to visit and never lets me out of his sight.

"There has been a prophecy. And unfortunately, Voldemort has also heard it too thanks to a spy. However, it applies to a baby born at the end of July, which could be either of your babies, I believe. He will try to kill your babies, in fear of their fates to defeat him." Dumbledore says bluntly, and both women protectively put an arm over their barely protruding stomach's. James and Frank both put comforting hands on their wives' shoulders too.

"What can we do?" Frank asks urgently, fear in his voice.

"Go into hiding. Limit who can see you, leave the Order. I can help set up safe houses for you all." Dumbledore responds kindly. I looked at Dad in confusion, I still didn't understand why I was here for this, and he seemed just as confused. We stay quiet as the others freak out and start to make plans.

"Professor?" Dad asks after everyone else got their questions in. "That didn't really explain about Abigail."

"Ah, yes." Dumbledore turns to us, and again I avoid eye contact and just look at his chin instead. "Bellatrix Lestrange was overheard voicing her desire to take young Miss Black here and turn her to the side of the Dark Lord. She has stated a desire to kill you and raise Abigail as her own and to make her a future Death Eater."

I almost scoff out loud at that. For starters, I'm far too stubborn to be 'made' to do anything, and for seconds, I've done far more evils in my past than Bellatrix Lestrange has ever done. Hell, she could take lessons from me. Probably not something to be proud of, but it is what it is.

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