Chapter 65: Exorcism

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"Are you... absolutely sure about this?" Harry asks me nervously for about the 100th time.

"Yes, Harry, I'm still sure." I say patiently, but really my patience for his asking is slipping.

"And I really have to be... naked?" He asks with a grimace, his hands and a small cloth covering his privates.

"Nah, I just really wanted to stare at your tiny dick." I say sarcastically, not looking up from my book.

"Abby!" He yells out in flustered embarrassment.

Currently, he is sitting on the floor of the basement room of our cottage, the sacrificial ritual circle written in blood on the ground around him. He unfortunately does need to be naked because I need the spell to be written all over his flesh as well. It's winter break from school, we just had a nice Christmas together and the ritual needs to be done on the full moon. Remus is gone oversees doing something for the Order right now so he's not going to be using his usual basement room, so I'm using it for the ritual.

"Relax, I have to write on you now, hence why you're now shivering and naked on the floor." I say consolingly, then smirk at him. "And don't forget, I've been you twice, I know what you look like already, so calm down and just be thankful I never had to take a piss when I was you, your modesty is safe."

He's bright red in the face in embarrassment as I write the spell symbols along his body. I don't need to touch his privates so he can keep his hands and cloth there the whole time to protect his 16 year old modesty, but I do have to write the symbols from his forehead down to his toes. He looks freaky as all get out once it's done, and since I have a few of the symbols along my hands as well, I look pretty odd as well.

"Not your best look, mate." Dad says while trying not to laugh at his godson. Harry just groans in frustration.

"Can you just hurry this up, please." Harry pleads to me desperately.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes at him. "Alright, this will be painful, but only for a moment. The spell will lock onto both of your souls, but you need to focus on positive, happy thoughts, kind of like a Patronus, but think love instead of happiness. Love is the strongest magic, so think of all your loved ones while we do this. Voldemort has no loved ones, so your soul will be stronger, plus it's only a tiny fragment of him inside of you. The spell will recognize the good of your soul and will exorcise the evil of the failed horcrux and evict it. From there, I'll trap it in the container."

"And why exactly are you trapping it in a muggle rice cooker?" Dad asks in confused amusement, looking at the aforementioned rice cooker sitting next to Harry.

"Evil Containment Wave." I say with complete deadpan sincerity. It's from Dragon Ball Z, my all-time favorite anime from my first life. I'm actually surprised Death has never sent me to that realm, but oh well, I can still use an obscure reference of it here. 

I don't answer their confused expression as they ask me to explain further, and instead prepare myself at the head of the ritual, indicating for Dad to get back. 

"Ready?" I ask Harry seriously, and he locks eyes with me and nods in determination.

I begin the ritual then. There's not much for me to do once I place my wand and hands to the ritual circle, it begins on its own. I watch as Harry screams, his hands shooting to his scar in pain, and he struggles with whatever internal battle is happening. Dad is helping by encouraging him, reminding him of all his loved ones as the ritual continues. I feel bad I can't help, but if I speak I undo the spell, so I have to stay quiet, hence why Dad is here to encourage Harry. 

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