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The ending is intentionally left open at Death's question so you, the reader, can choose whether Abigail's soul is complete. 

Soul isn't complete option:

If you think there is still something more for her soul to learn (because there's always more), then please read the 4th and final Book in the Soul Revitalization Chronicles, Viking's Mate. It's a soulmate themed book set in the Twilight Realm, and features an OC male character. It is not a typical Twilight story though. The story takes on its own twists and turns and plot, and is a final culmination of everything Ami, Ana, and Abigail have gone through in the past realms. It is the true end of the soul's journey.

Soul is complete option:

If you think her journey is complete, then know that her soul is complete and moved on, but she is no longer a part of it, this was the end of her journey. Basically, this option is there for if you don't want to read any more of her story, I understand Twilight is not everyone's favorite fandom but it fits the characters growth the most. I still hope many of you will continue reading her journey, but I understand if it feels like it's at a good stopping place. 

Soul's Revitalization Chronicles:

Book 1: Genius Hyuga Twins - Naruto World. Reborn as Neji Hyuga's younger twin sister. Lighter theme with more action scenes but a more closed off main character. This one is the start of the soul's journey. 

Book 2: Robin's Shadow - Gotham World. Reborn as Jason Todd's twin. Darker, more psychological themed, more adult, and you don't need to know much about Batman in order to enjoy.

Book 3: Marauder's Daughter - Harry Potter World. Reborn as Sirius Black's daughter. Lighter theme, more fun and magical. Does have an eventual love story in it and some twisted darkness. Longest book, covers all seven Harry Potter books. Has optional ending to soul's journey.

Book 4: Viking's Mate - Twilight World. This is a love story, soulmate themed, OC Centric and original story with new character. Not a typical Twilight book, doesn't closely follow that plot. Culmination of the soul's entire journey, true final book in the soul's journey.

A/N: Massive thank you to all my readers, I'm honored you all made it through my book and I hope you continue on to the next one.

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