Chapter 58: Conviction

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After breakfast the next morning, during which I chatted with my girlfriends about the failed date from the day before, I headed down to the dungeons.

"Good morning, Professor!" I say cheerily to the Potions master, who glares at me for speaking so happily to him.

"Let us get on with this." Snape drawls out, already over my happy mood.

"Well, this ought to be fun." I say sarcastically, taking a seat across from his desk. "Come inside of Konoha, I'll show you several whole new worlds." I grin at him, and he looks minutely curious at me. We both enter my realm after he locks the office doors behind me so we won't be interrupted at all.

"You've made improvements." He observes right away. I've expanded parts of Konoha for when I'm talking with Tom, adding in a cloud watching area, a chess board, and a larger and more comfortable seating area in the treehouse. I have also just put more detail in general to the surroundings so it feels more lifelike.

"I spend a lot of time in here." I say truthfully, and lead him to the treehouse once again. "So, officially at this point, Dad, Remus, and Harry are the only ones who know my truth. None of them are Legilimens though, and since I don't have a Pensieve, you're the only one who gets to actually see it. I'm kind of excited to have someone see it though, so this could be rather fun." I grin at him, which of course he doesn't return and just deadpans at me.

"Get to the point, Black. You have too much knowledge to be normal, I have been more than lenient on not reporting you or exposing you earlier, but if what you say today does not satisfy me, then I will be exposing you to Dumbledore." He threatens me, and I glare lightly at him for his threats.

"It's a good thing this will cover me well." I say firmly, forming a doorway out of thin air. "We're about to go full inception here, try and keep up." I stand up then and he follows suit. "For starters, I'm a resurrected soul. And for second, you and everyone else in our world were all characters in a book from my first world." I say seriously, and he stares hard at me.

For an hour, I explain everything to him. When I get to the resurrections, I walk him through the door and into a flood of memories from my first resurrection. It's odd to see since we are both 3-dimensional beings walking freely through an animated world, but he is understanding more and more as we go. When we get to the second one, he vaguely recognizes the Batman symbol since some muggle kids in his village had it on their school bags. As I show him the two worlds, I don't focus on my specific memories, just on the worlds themselves and on who I was in the worlds, I know he won't care about the stories or the people from there. I then take him back to the treehouse and tell him in detail about the Harry Potter books, and the final piece that convinces him is when I out him for being in love with Lily and having a doe Patronus.

"You knew this whole time about Lily?" He asks quietly, and then frowns. "You had a chance to save her. And you didn't." He angrily says, standing up to glare at me down his hooked nose.

"Sit down." I say calmly. "I loved Lily too, she was my godmother and she helped raise me. And don't point a finger at me when you were the one who told Voldemort the prophecy in the first place." I add coldly, and he looks down in shame at that.

"I didn't know it was about her son. I tried to have the Dark Lord spare her." He admits quietly.

"I know. I'm just saying don't blame me, I did everything I could." I counter softly.

"Why tell me this?" He asks idly after a few quiet minutes. "From what I've seen and what you've told me, why tell me anything at all? Surely you didn't do all this just for my book, you likely could have just stolen it from me."

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