Chapter 21: Mirror of Erised

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Harry and I returned to our dorms to find the Weasley's all happily hanging out. Percy and Ron were playing chess while the twins watched. They hadn't notice us come in, too involved in the game, so I shushed Harry and we crept up and joined them silently. I looked down at the chess board and whispered in Percy's ear.

"Night to D5, then next move Queen to H4, that will put him in checkmate." I whispered, and Percy jumped about a foot in the air at my sudden voice in his ear.

"When the bloody hell did you get back?!" Percy asks me, flustered as I giggle at him and lean on Fred's side to watch the match.

"Just now, but saw you losing and couldn't stand the sight." I smirk at him arrogantly, and he grumbled.

"Oi, it doesn't count if she helps you!" Ron says defensively, pointing at me. I'm the only one he plays against and can't win every time, though I do let him win sometimes. He's a good strategist, but I was trained to play Shogi by one of the greatest strategic minds in my second life, and it's basically the same as chess. I watch Percy do the moves I told him to and win the game, and I smugly grinned at Ron's glaring face before Harry distracted him.

I catch up with the twins, both thanking me for the Zonko's products I stocked them up with. They were running dangerously low on dungbombs, the hallway around Filch's office almost smelled like clean air again. I can't wait for them to get inventing, they've already taken an interest in changing existing products, they're close to wanting to make their own stuff. I'm ready to drop some hints once they get started, I want my extendable ears.

That first night back, I woke up Harry quietly from his bed in the middle of the night and gave him a smile. "Want to go for a stroll?" I ask him casually, and he groggily looks at me in confusion.

"It's the middle of the night, what's going on?" Harry blearily asks.

"I want to try and find something, and might need your help." I tell him honestly. I have a rough idea of where the mirror is, but haven't tried to find it yet myself. I'm nervous on what I'll see and how I'll react, so I've been putting it off. 

Harry gets up reluctantly, but his interest is piqued. He grabs the cloak and we sneak out. I figured we need to start at the library and branch out from there, since that's where he runs from in the books. We spend an hour opening random doors to classrooms until finally, we find it.

"There it is." I say quietly as I spot the large, ornate mirror. "The Mirror of Erised."

"Is it... like a magical mirror?" He asks me in a whisper as we move towards it.

"Yes. The Mirror of Erised shows us what our heart's deepest desire is. It changes per person, and can be dangerously addictive. I wanted you to see it though... I think you'll see your parents." I say softly to him, and his eyes widen at me. "They won't really be here, just a reflection of them, but just once, it might be nice to see them. You shouldn't go more than once though, so just for tonight, take a look." I step aside, and indicate for Harry to walk forward. He actually hesitates before going, looking at me nervously. Then he slowly walks over, and I watch his eyes fill with tears as he looks over his shoulder, trying to see if they're there.

"There's so many people here, I think... they're all my family." He breathes out.

"Do you see an elderly couple, an old man with curly white hair and knobbly knees? Probably standing next to a tiny woman with pearls around her neck?" I ask curiously, remember the senior Potter's.

"Yeah, I see them there. Who are they?" He asks me curiously.

"Grandma Euphemia and Grandpa Fleamont." I grin at him. "I just... I feel so bad I got to see and know them and you didn't, that's why I brought you here. I figured you would want to see your family."

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