Chapter 35: Riddle's Acceptance

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"Kreacher." I command out into the Room of Requirement before the start of our winter break. The house elf thankfully appears in front of me, still bound by whatever magic it is that binds them to their masters.

"Yes, Mistress? Half blood stain on my real Mistress's home." Kreacher bows lowly, mumbling the last part not too quietly.

"Did you find the locket?" I ask him plainly. He looks at me darkly.

"Which locket?" He deflects.

"Regulus's locket." I answer.

"Yes." He says lowly after a minute. "Why does the half blood Mistress want my Master Regulus's locket?"

"I found a way to destroy it. It was your final request from Regulus, was it not?" I say softly to him. His eyes widen at that, and he slowly nods his head.

"Can you really destroy it?" He asks in a desperate croak.

"Yes, I really can. I destroyed one item similar to it already. Will you please return in 30 minutes with the locket to this location?" I ask the elf. 

"I will retrieve it." He nods and disappears with a crack.

I put this off for long enough, it was time to destroy the next Horcrux. I pull out the diary, and decide to check in on my little captive. I invite him into Konoha and join him, taking in his same appearance.

"Hello, Ms. Anastasia. It is a pleasure to see you again, you are looking lovely." Tom says politely to me, his tone fake and creepy. He reminds me of my friend Sai from my first resurrection, who was just so emotionless and fake all the time before he started to embrace life.

"I doubt it's a pleasure to see me, but how have you been, Tom?" I ask him with a smirk, pouring our usual tea, today going for a peppermint tea since it's almost Christmas.

"I've been... thinking about what you said, about the horcruxes being unable to be recombined. And the other things. Can you prove any of that?" He asks genuinely. I debate for a moment. His request is genuine, and I can't see any harm in showing him what he became in his future.

"I can show you what you became. I can show you the night Voldemort died." I offer up quietly.

"I would like to see it. You make me out to be some kind of deranged monster, and not the greatest wizard who ever lived. I should like to see what you mean." He asks sincerely. 

I think about the night that Voldemort killed James, and I picture a television set. I form the television set in my little treehouse, and place the memory to play there. The viewpoint is that of three year old me, and together we watch as Voldemort, in all his snake-like, deranged glory, ruthlessly killed an unarmed man. I muted the memory as Voldemort was talking to me and when he cast a spell to freeze me in place, but let the audio return for when he failed to kill the baby and died.

"There, that's what happened. Deranged snake man fails to kill baby, that's what the headlines should have been." I smirk at him, and I can see a contemplative look on his face. "I'm going to destroy another horcrux now. Just wanted to let you know." I tell him plainly.

"Who was that man in the memory?" He asks quietly.

"My godfather. And the screaming woman was my godmother." I reply unhappily, hating having to watch and listen again.

"Is this why you seek revenge, and why you're hunting down my Horcruxes?" Tom asks lightly, still not raising his voice above a whisper. There's no venom in his tone like the last time I spoke to him, but there is still anger and rage in his emotions, it's just less right now.

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