Chapter 24: Powerful Magic

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Not even a week later after smuggling the dragon out of Hogwarts, I was ready with my plan to expose Quirrell. Draco had complained to me that he was forced to go into the forest with Hagrid for his detention, and that centaurs had told them to leave. They found a dead unicorn, which made me sad, I had hoped I prevented that, but I guess Posocus was right, some fate's can't change. Quirrell doesn't necessarily looks much better from the unicorn blood, in fact the teacher looks ready to keel over. That's why I wanted to go through with my plan sooner rather than later.

The twins and I developed a plan to expose Quirrell inside the teachers lounge. They firmly think the turban he wears is full of garlic to ward off vampires, so they want to take it off and have a fake vampire set up in the teacher's lounge. I let them run with their thinking since it will help us the most. I even roped Harry in to the prank. His job is to be around the corner of the room during the prank with a second fake vampire in case Quirrell runs away. I really just have Harry there as a last resort in case we need him to touch Voldemort to kill him again.

"Ready?" I ask the twins before we set out on our mission, tying my hair up in a bun so it's out of my way.

"Yeah, McGonagall, Snape and Binns are all in the teachers' lounge now. They've been cramming for our exams a lot lately. This will be great, maybe they'll forget to put those extra questions on it they threatened to." George says happily, looking at the map before wiping it.

"And you got the stuffed vampire in place there using Harry's cloak?" Fred asks me for confirmation.

"Yep, it's all set, I just have to reveal it once I'm in there." I lie. I never put it up, Harry has the only fake vampire in his position down the hall. "Alright, Harry's in position, let's move out." I stand up, and we each take our places. 

The twins set off to get Quirrell, the plan is for them to lure him into the lounge like there's an emergency, then all three of us will cast a different retrieval spell to get the turban off his head once he gets inside. Originally, the twins wanted to do it in the Great Hall so all the students could see, but I convinced them through a series of lies Quirrell's the most embarrassed around Snape and McGonagall, so that's why we're doing this in the lounge. 

Since Harry's under his cloak for this 'prank', but really I just wanted to give him the maximum safety, I cast a disillusionment charm on myself. I've grown quite fond of this charm in my time here, it makes all my sneaking so much more fun and effective. I've seen my reflection with it activated, and I look so nondescript, all that's really identifiable is maybe my height and a vague idea of my frame.

I move out to the lounge to lie in waiting. The twins think my task is to reveal and animate the vampire while they watch from the doorway after we retrieve the turban, but really I plan to trap Quirrell in there and lock the twins out. When I hear the 'urgent' footsteps of the twins and their prey, I watch the moment when Quirrell enters into the room, flustered and confused.

"Wait, there's no troll in here." Quirrell says in realization as he spins to look at the twins. 

Both twins did different spells then, aimed right at his head. We aren't proficient at summoning spells yet, so their attempts didn't work, but my grappling hook spell worked just fine. As soon as the turban flew off Quirrell's head and into my hand, I sent a silent spell to slam the door shut on the twin's face and lock the door. I could hear them yell out in shock, but all attention was in the room then.

"Fool." Voldemort hissed out, his snake-like face exposed on the back of Quirrell's head.

"Quirrell, explain this, immediately." McGonagall says in a shaking voice, her wand pointed at him. Snape already has his wand trained on Voldemort, standing tall and confused.

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