Chapter 1

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Please don't skip A/N... 😁

My name is Bui, and I'm 23 years old. And I'm a crossdresser since I was like fifteen.

I like wearing clothes that are opposite to my gender because I feel pretty wearing them. Because it felt so warm and comfortable on my skin every time I'm wearing those clothes.

I run a page that so-called BeYourLuve, and I earn from that site and social media by posting my cute little girly clothing.

And some of the clothing brands are contacting me to be their model. Because they find me interesting too.

No one knows what I look like because I only posted half of my body. Except for my two best friends, Tong and Us. Us is also like me, he's a crossdresser too. But Tong is like our manager, he is the one communicating with those who want us to endorse clothes.

Because we don't want our identity to be known.

Every time I go outside, I do wear normal clothes as a guy does.

But when I'm at my apartment, I wear what I want to wear. Because I'm more comfortable wearing them.

Except when my brother Mile comes.

He said hates it when I wear them, but he buys me a gift whenever it's my birthday.

I don't live with them anymore since they know that I like cross-dressing. Especially, my dad, he hates me that much. But what can I do, I was born like this, and I can't do anything about it.

I'm an automotive engineering graduate because that's what my dad wants me to study. Even if he hates me, I took that course for him.

And now I'm looking for a job because nowadays the expenses are getting higher and the payment for my rent went high too.

I don't want to ask my brother or father for help as long as I can.

I've been sending my application form to any shop that I checked from the site that they are hiring, I hope one of them will accept me soon.


I quickly grabbed my phone when I heard my notification bell, because I'd been waiting for a response from all the shops to which I sent my application form.

But when I checked it, I only got a notification on my I.G account.

Bsumone followed you.

I checked the account because that's what I am doing if I have a new follower. Yes, also I'm checking on them because I want to stalk them too.

But his account is private, I'm not surprised anymore because most of my followers are just random accounts that are perverted.

I know because of their comments. It's good that I didn't show my face before I started.

I waited till this Bsumone gonna like my post but I waited for nothing. Unlike the others when they saw my post. What they do is like all my posts from the previous one to the latest one.

Then after that my phone rang. Tong is calling me, maybe I have a part-time job to do.

"When? Where? What?" I bombarded him with questions like I always do when he calls me.

"Bui, can you just answer normally when I called." he scolded me, and I think I'm going to be deaf every time he scolded me. Because his voice was too loud.

"Okey fine, so do I have any job?" I asked him while looking at the ceiling.

"No one called yet and I didn't call for that matter. What was the hashtag you used now? Did you just do it purposely or by accident?" he asked confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked also confused as him.

"Check it so you'll know what I am talking about" then he hangs up our call.

When I'm about to check my post earlier, Us started calling me too.

"Hey, are free tonight? You wanna go with me?" he asked, I thought he's gonna tell me about my hashtag too.

"Where are we going? I thought you are calling me about my hashtag too" I asked and I'm not really excited to go and hang out.

"What's wrong with your hashtag?" he is also asking me about it.

"Because Tong called me about it."

"He just wants to annoy you. You know him, his days are not completed without annoying us."

"So where are you going tonight?" I ask him to change our topic, and not with that annoying friend we have.

"It's one of my colleagues, and I don't have anyone with me to attend to," he said in a cute voice because he is like that when he wants me to say yes to him.

"What time?" I asked even though I'm not really in the mood to go.

"I'm coming over by 8 o'clock to pick you up."

"Any dress code?"

"Just semi-formal attire is fine"

"Okie, see you then," I said not feeling excited and all.

"You don't want to go with me do you?" he asked when he hears my answer.

"Can I?" I tried to ask him, just in case he will say yes.

"Nope, Bui I know you're bored, so you have to come out too. Don't stay in your apartment and do nothing, let's go and have some fun,"

It's been a week since I didn't get out of my apartment.

All of the food that I ate this past few days is delivered from a resto or fast food chain.

Finding a job is stressing me out too, and I can't even sleep at night.

"Okie fine just come and pick me up" but when I checked the time it was almost seven in the evening.

"Us, why did you tell me this late" I scolded him, he knows that I don't like being rushed when we go out.

"Bui, you still have one hour left before I come so you don't need to worry about it. You are already handsome without putting on make-up" and now he is laughing at me.

"You can't say that I'm handsome when you see me right now," I told him because I have a black circle around my eyes from not sleeping properly.

I need to put more makeup on them to cover them up.

"So, I'm hanging up," I told him.

"Okie by see yah," he said and hang up our call.

After our call, I received a notification from my I.g.

Bsumone commented on your post.

But when I checked it, it's already been deleted.

I don't know why started writing a new story again but yeah... Here is the first chapter...

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